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Zi Wei Fortune Teller

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Yuan Tiangang first number of numerology scale bone division of God (三兩九) Explain the severity of
Blessed is Peter, and can have a certain position.
Work is not a smooth, sometimes feel hard to end an empty, for money rush.
Bureau of fleeting life (土五局) Commentary
The five-year-old began to transport.
Before the shipment, only the fate of the board and no luck, meaning that only the personality has no luck.
The earth symbolizes trust. Personality obedience like static, relatively dull, pay attention to balance, people also sedate, partial acting type; can use the nature of the soil, Lenovo personality.
Good life intraday pattern:極向離明格 日出扶桑格 明珠出海格 天府守垣格 天乙拱命格 
  • 極向離明格
    1.If there are other stars (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) and in line with this, achievement is extraordinary, not in the officialdom has a very high position, is in the mall to astonished clouds.
    2.Also cloud: "【紫微】 In the afternoon, the branch of the right to the most strange. The other palace will still be very important, 【紫微】 in the afternoon palace than the uterus in the Palace of life is better, if there are 【化科】, 【化祿】, 【化權】 in three square is more rare.
    3.PS Day: "By the secretary's advice, the weather, the temple in the house, a few turn Jade Court, the life of the royal palace." In modern society, it is not in the workplace to be able to do higher-level executives, but in officialdom can be ministers, or even more.
    4.This lattice of people Yun Willow, its own personality magnanimity, a temporary election can be called the life of wealth.
    5.Since it is 【紫微】 to sit, still hope to have 【左輔】, 【右弼】 to meet, more successful grasp.
    1.Because 【貪狼】 will be in the palace, so it is inevitable that the opposite sex to take the initiative to hug, outside the heterosexual friends to pay attention.
    2.If there is no 【左輔】 and 【右弼】 in the same palace, temperament unavoidably withdrawn, sometimes not without friends, but they feel the lack of understanding.
  • 日出扶桑格
    1.The Ancients granted the life as: 【太陽】 The high praise, will be the Lord's wealth, purely juvenile Deng, the war levy Momentum Yi Hua. 【太陽】 In the palace, because the first 5 to 7 in the morning, is the time of Sunrise, 【太陽】 strong so young has a result, all aspects of the development of a smooth, of course, future prosperity.
    2.is not born in the rich and powerful family, is young, since already in the society has the achievement, the fame in the world.
    3.The appearance of good people move, verbal frankness, interpersonal skills, love of the limelight;
    4.Work quickly, straightforward simply, good interpersonal relations, people around will follow.
    1.In ancient times, not suitable for women, but now the society, women also need to have their own careers, so men and women together to judge, but if there is a family, or to moderate soft posture, after all, you are outside the general manager, at home can not be another companion is your subordinates.
  • 明珠出海格
    1.good-hearted, talented and aboveboard.
    2.A wide range of interests, vibrant, good performance in the community, the attention of the people.
    3.The deadline or fleeting encounter this lattice, the representative has the promotion, can have the development.
    4.If the Life Palace can have 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】 The same palace is better.
    5.This lattice, the woman is very suitable, the appearance is delicate and lovely, inside only Germany two prepares.
    6.The Ancients granted the life as: the Triad Pearl lives in a prosperous place, the steady toad. There is this pattern of people, marry into the Giants will not be wrong.
    1.But if there is no master star in the palace, there is no 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, again by 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 or 【化忌】, the outside look is very beautiful, actually did not get the real benefits, like marrying into a big club, but found that they do not have the right to use the money, or the husband's heart is not in their own body .
  • 天府守垣格
    1.The ancient book said: "Dry for June Elephant mansion for minister, Korea Fu Rehabilitation, Prime loyal to the country, waist Kim worship heavy pupil." Dry for June elephant, do refer to Xu Palace, 【天府】 is the minister, the courtiers in the king's side, can exert their ability to assist the king, loyalty, of course, representative of achievements. "
    2.Although it is 【廉貞】 with the same guard, if the female, the representative has the moral integrity, friends rigorous. However, the same disadvantage of marriage and feelings, the age of the more soft personality after the marriage is better.
  • 天乙拱命格
    1.The Ancients as: "【天貴】 meet with life, fame early accounted for juvenile Kui, the article furious Chase Class horse, today when for the Prime minister. Class horse, refers to the class solid and Sima Qian, all historians. This person, the stars of the palace is to be a star, or there are other expensive lattice, and then distinguish between the Japanese Yanggui (【天魁】) effective, night stranger yin Expensive ([39 ). This is the pattern of icing on the cake, if the life pattern is bad, or there are evil (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, even if there is no help.
    2.Good, and this pattern, young when there is a certain reputation.
Intraday pattern of bad life:泛水桃花格 
  • 泛水桃花格
    1.【貪狼】 In the son, known as the "pan-water Peach blossom". Both men and women must pay attention to their relationship. 【貪狼】 In the Hai Also, the Ancients said: "The greedy son, known as the pan-water peach blossom."
命 宮
Represents a person's innate movement, the course of his life, and can judge the appearance, personality, talent and the achievement of life. He is also the beginning of a life plate, with the life of the palace to have other palaces. So he is also a person's personality traits, but also related to his outlook on life, value, style. But it must not be so developed, This is like the Life Palace show this person grumpy, but if they know their shortcomings, every time before anger know how to endure a few seconds in the attack, nature can be improved, Chimi, but do not resign. Another body palace, the Life Palace is on the inside, the body Palace partial external.
  • 本身 Looks
    Reference 75%
    1.【天鉞】 Acting with vigour and decisive, men will be a bit feminine, women are elegant temperament, but easy to be moved to be chased.
    2.Like to have the power of decision-making, strict requirements, sometimes people feel difficult to get along with.
    3.Pay attention to the inappropriate relationship with older people.
    4.【天魁】 and 【天鉞】 all have manners characteristics, which are suitable for the same palace as any star.
  • 本身 Looks
    Reference 15%
    1.The appearance gives the child the feeling, usually the body is chubby, has the sense of humor, pleases the person to like, therefore the popularity also is good. Usually give people a warm and elegant feeling. The skin white, the female Life palace sits 【天同】 the stature is usually plump.
    2.Everyday life usually has a good time, even if you encounter something unpleasant, not a frown. Mild temperament, bad with people, is the hair 睥 gas, soon after the end of the anger. Take Jichang as an example, knowing that Zhou King wants him to go to the state is to house arrest him, but also calmly to go, under house arrest also eat sleep.
    3.Like to do good, also know how to enjoy, as long as the food and clothing is satisfied, is a contented personality. However, because of their own feelings, so in the feelings or some of the inner persistent place, will not give in.
    4.Usually learn more but less specialized, what all understand a little, but also what have learned some to meet, no longer delve. That is to say optimism is more than positive. It is more emotional than it can be influenced by the outside world.
    5.Female 【天同】 The life is easy to be moved by the romantic atmosphere, if there is a peach blossom star (such as 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【紅鸞】, 【天姚】, 【咸池】, 【天喜】 and so on, the peach blossom is too prosperous, generally speaking, the women's palace has 【天同】 looks are usually good, but it is easy to have many heterosexual friends at the same time.
    6.【天同】 There is also a look, such as the general appearance of the Ford God, the face is a blessing, if there is 【華蓋】 the same palace more easily have this phenomenon.
    7.Sharp eyes, good at the sense of the eye, quick and good response.
    8.Eloquence is no hindrance, like to study academic, have excellent analytical power, understanding, memory, association power. It is also a master of sweet words.
    9.【巨門】 Because of the ability to speak, although sometimes it is easy to provoke a dispute, but he is not nonsense, but according to the content, but because in the language of the fight, so it is not easy to get help from others, they do not like to obediently obey the instructions of others.
    10.Honest, with a little arrogance, dissatisfaction with the reality, because he saw more than the average person in-depth thinking.
    11.Subjective strong, personality is slightly cold, but in fact, there is a heart caring for others. Like to challenge the fate, so have the opportunity to have great achievements, but life also more twists and turns.
    12.The female Life Palace has 【巨門】 star, the advantage is careful, the popularity is good, the disadvantage is not gregarious, own suspicion also will let the love change.
    13.Rugged in appearance, strong in stature but disfigured, stubborn in temperament, outwardly calm and repetitive.
    14.Not like 【擎羊】 will solve the problem quickly, but secretly seek revenge method.
    15.【天魁】 The appearance good-looking, the speech has the analytic ability, conceives thoughtful, the person good-hearted, gives the human sharp feeling.
    16.Sometimes because of the truth to speak frankly offending, not admit defeat, strong self-esteem.
    17.Pay attention to the inappropriate relationship with older people.
    18.【天魁】 and 【天鉞】 all have manners characteristics, which are suitable for the same palace as any star.
  • 本身 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.【太陰】 The person of the life, the facial features of the handsome men and women are many, generally good temperament, Ma Ying-jeou is 【太陰】.
    2.Male life son afternoon Golgo, the palace of the medium stature, Chen Xu Ugly is not the same, Yin Shen low thin, has been hai squat.
    3.【太陰】 The person of the life of the man is gentle and graceful.
    4.Whether male or female personality because both gentle, so easy to attract the opposite sex, so 【太陰】 star also known as the Peach Blossom Star.
    5.The personality is mild, the appearance is delicate, the disposition is sensitive, the multiple sensibility is sometimes easy to be disturbed, has the suspicion tendency.
    6.Moon and Full Moon born people, more lively, caring considerate, adaptable, to the living environment has its own requirements.
    7.Moon or the birth of a person, the personality is more timid, behavior negative, to their own environment want to keep clean but powerless, the feeling is easy to see not open.
    8.Personality Yin Shen, will not easily bow to people, personality suspicious, bold.
  • 本身 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.Usually 【太陽】 the person in the Life Palace has a square face, the physique is usually strong, if 【太陽】【化忌】 is tall and thin and not spirit. The Day-born (3 to 4:59 P.M.) in the morning, majestic imposing and dignified appearance; the Night-born (5 o'clock in the evening to the next 2:59 A.M.), the main reaction to the mental level of intelligent frankness , there are principles of principle for people to do things.
    2.Male personality frankness will not care about gains and losses, 睥 gas aspects of the more urgent dryness; women do not let men, the language behavior of male-style, strong personality, the opposite sex is good, less single.
    3.Speak directly, straight to straight, will not speak tactfully, sometimes can be unbearable. And like to fight out right and wrong, but also easy to get angry.
    4.Work actively, in the diplomatic arena performance and graceful, like to participate in activities, but also good at making friends. Often can give a person warm feeling, like to help people.
    5.【太陽】 【化忌】 The appearance is tall and lanky.
    6.【太陽】 in the Life Palace day born person, male Qi has Wei, the shape is dignified.
    7.【太陽】 people born at night in the Palace of life are wise and frank and Fangzheng.
    8.Female behavior is more masculine, ambition is ambitious, strong personality, the opposite sex is good, so not often feel lonely.
    9.The appearance of honest and comely, acting generous, the appearance of a mature, experienced experience.
    10.In the crisis can show his ability to deal with things, which also represents the life of how many twists and turns, like to be the leader of the people, do what they think is right.
    11.Most of the faces are comely and intelligent, always rational, think rational can go through the world, can be respected from, is usually the leader of the group
    12.【火星】 The person who lives will inadvertently offend others themselves do not know.
    13.The skin is sensitive, the hair is not easy to comb neatly, the tooth is not neat.
    14.Rough appearance, if 【擎羊】 in the life of the palace, when the childhood has been disaster or injury, strong personality, rough temperament, and people are not easy to get along with, stubborn aggression, work straight to straight. But from the advantage, he also brave perseverance, do not do dark things have perseverance.
    15.If with 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】 The same palace, there will be spots of moles.
    16.【擎羊】 The symbol of harm, the star with it will reduce the development of the stars, the evil spirit with him, will also be reduced to the extent of victimization.
  • 天鉞
    1.【天魁】 and 【天鉞】 suitable for the same palace, or in three square will be affected, to play the greatest strength. 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 is not suitable for single star, if single star, 【天鉞】 like positive (【紫微】, 【天府】, 【武曲】, 【天相】, 【廉貞】, 【七殺】, 【破軍】, 【貪狼】) stars.
    2.【天鉞】 with 【左輔】, 【右弼】 The same palace expresses the management ability, 【天魁】 with 【文昌】, 【文曲】 the same palace has literary and emotional richness.
    3.【天鉞】 with 【化科】, 【化權】, 【化祿】 can get money, also have management ability.
    4.Before 50 years old there 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 is helping, after the age of 50, it turned into a hindrance. can also be used as a young person, there are elders to help you guide you, but when we have been 40, 50 years old, should have their own ability to rely on their own decision-making things or have their own career even to help the younger generation, If also need elders to help, but to later life is a kind of interference and obstruction.
  • 天同
    1.【天同】 fit with 【化祿】 in, not suitable 【化忌】. But there are 【化祿】, but the time of the table because of good luck, performance outside the more indolent. 【天同】 【化忌】, although the labor, but because 【天同】 personality is an optimist, it will not be too serious, unless 【天同】 in the trap is 【化忌】, will not be able to enjoy, everywhere frustrated, work is not smooth, another 【化祿】 compared to the performance in the food.
    2.【天同】 also fit 【化權】, 【化科】, 【化權】【化科】 The personality is more positive, with optimism, can increase 【天同】 itself initiative and willpower.
    3.【天同】 with 【天機】, 【太陰】, 【天梁】 will be added with 【左輔】 and 【右弼】, more likely to have longevity. But women will not be able to take 【右弼】, 【太陰】, afraid of the peach blossom too prosperous, easy to have emotional troubles and disputes.
    4.Also suitable for the meeting 【文昌】 and 【文曲】, there will be literary talent. Women are still not suitable, afraid of emotional disturbance, marriage is uneven.
    5.It is not suitable to take 【擎羊】,【陀羅】,【火星】,【鈴星】,【化忌】, some words are not to be operated, is to have disfigured (facial body has a wound), still often have small trouble to happen. There are 【火星】【鈴星】 moles on the same palace face will be more.
  • 巨門
    1.If there are 【化祿】,【化權】, better eloquence, more delicious. 【化祿】 will increase 【巨門】 sensibility,【化權】 will increase 【巨門】 of the rationality, and can use eloquence to gain wealth, but be careful to be unreasonable.
    2.With 【祿存】 the same palace, a life of Shun. With 【左輔】, 【右弼】 with the palace, the whole life is abundant. With 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, suitable for engaging in public office or cultural industries.
    3.Not suitable with 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 the same palace, 【擎羊】 will increase the emotional entanglement, the body is easy to have small problems, may lead to surgery, 【陀羅】 represents the secret of emotional strife.
    4.【巨門】 with 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【白虎】 The same palace, be careful of criminal cases and litigation, if there is 【貫索】, pay attention to the prison of the disaster.
    5.【巨門】 【化忌】, more officious.
  • 陀羅
    1.Enter 12 Palace which palace is not good, represents the delay.
    2.【陀羅】 with 【火星】 the same palace, the degree of torment intensified.
    3.【陀羅】 In the Palace of disease, the teeth are easy to be bad, and bones are easy to loosen.
    4.In the same palace as 【貪狼】, it is easy for women to be more careful because of the color of evil.
    5.If 【貪狼】【化忌】 and 【陀羅】 with the same palace, Peach Blossom Overweight, beware of the life of the fans.
  • 天魁
    1.【天魁】 and 【天鉞】 suitable for the same palace, or in three square will be affected, to play the greatest strength. 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 not suitable for single star, if single star, 【天魁】 like negative (【天機】, 【太陽】, 【天同】, 【太陰】, 【巨門】, 【天梁】) stars
    2.【天魁】 with 【左輔】, 【右弼】 The same palace expresses the management ability, 【天魁】 with 【文昌】, 【文曲】 the same palace has literary and emotional richness.
    3.【天魁】 with 【化科】, 【化權】, 【化祿】 can get money, also have management ability.
    4.Before 50 years old there 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 is helping, after the age of 50, it turned into a hindrance. can also be used as a young person, there are elders to help you guide you, but when we have been 40, 50 years old, should have their own ability to rely on their own decision-making things or have their own career even to help the younger generation, If also need elders to help, but to later life is a kind of interference and obstruction.
  • 太陰
    1.Although give the impression of nice lady, but I have grievances are difficult to express.
    2.Birth date is moon more can get help, things will be better slowly. The date of birth is moon, easily improved by bad.
    3.In general, the income is fixed, often can find the chance of moonlighting, but easy to emotional.
    4.【太陰】 The star has maternal feminine characteristic, the individuality is calm and steady, has the toughness clever to be good at thinking, more introverted.
    5.Fit with 【祿存】, three, 【八座】 The same palace, can have a good name in the outside. also suitable with 【祿存】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】 together, can be a lifetime rich, blessed.
    6.If with 【文昌】, 【文曲】 The same palace, there will be literary and artistic talent and erudite arts; with 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 The same palace, more noble, can go to public office development, life is mostly safe and smooth.
    7.When there are 【化祿】, money is not the same, there are 【化科】, fame and fortune, and 【化權】, a successful career.
    8.【太陰】 with 【太陽】 the same palace is good, does not like with the Evil Star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) the same palace, in particular 【擎羊】 or 【陀羅】, in the same palace life more setbacks, but if there are already 【陀羅】 or 【擎羊】 and encounter other evil star, but can turn woe to Kyrgyzstan.
  • 鈴星
    1.【鈴星】 with 【文曲】 the same palace, there will be talent to play.
    2.【鈴星】 with 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 in the same palace, spend less time with your parents.
    3.【鈴星】 When you are alone in your life, you will have success in your career.
    4.Less obstruction to other stars than 【火星】.
  • 太陽
    1.【太陽】 The star represents the male, which can be used to see the development of his father when he is young, the male is used to see his own development, the female Life palace has 【太陽】 the star middle age uses to look at the husband's development, the old age sees son's development. 【太陽】 【化忌】, the representative development is not smooth.
    2.【太陽】 also stands for personalities, 【化忌】 represent personalities to be petulant, in a huff. 【太陽】 in the loss of Hui Palace (Night Palace), often let oneself angry things happen, want to lose temper and can not attack, very depressed, like being boss, want to get angry and can not get angry.
    3.【太陽】 Also symbolizes the eye, 【化忌】 means that the eye is easy to fatigue. As in the Palace of the Lost Splendor (the House of the night), the eyes are often small or uncomfortable. Like 【太陽】 in the womb, although not 【化忌】, but after the deadline of a dry or fleeting dry armour, there will be the above-mentioned eye pain, eyestrain, bad temperament total situation.
    4.Represents Lauro. 【太陽】 Wang Shou-life Palace, representing a life of toil; 【太陽】 The loss of FAI (Night Palace), there will be a tongue is right and wrong, they do not have popularity. Men are more disadvantaged.
    5.Symbolize the collection of things. Be stubborn, but will take care of people. To share good with others, the bad of their own.
    6.Also symbolize the pony, need to be careful when out of the accident.
    7.Do not like to owe, so sometimes people have a sense of human feelings, and then criticized as eccentric, actually just unwilling to owe favors, rather than take advantage of it.
    8.Also symbolize the wooden. itself is a dull, and let a person mistakenly recognize eccentric, natural popularity is poor, so inferiority, but itself very cherish feelings will remember others to their own good.
    9.A symbol of Lauro. The meaning of bogey is owed, in the life of the palace to owe their own struggle to make up for more harvest.
    10.【太陽】 fit with three, 【八座】 the same palace, because three, 【八座】 can increase the 【太陽】 of the light, the representative can have a good reputation and higher status.
    11.【太陽】 with 【左輔】, 【右弼】 the same palace or will, can have unusual achievements.
    12.【太陽】 Sit unitary, Xu, Hai, son, ugly (5 o'clock in the evening to the next day 2:59 A.M.), such as the Dark Palace is called Lost FAI, do things.
    13.【太陽】 People who are born in the daytime (3 to 4:59 P.M. in the morning) and those born in spring and summer help greatly.
    14.People born during the night (5 o'clock in the evening to the next 2:59 A.M.), winter (long hours in the daytime) are less helpful.
    15.by 【太陽】 of the image to illustrate that you have a good life in the Palace 【太陽】, as the three-party Sihui of the palace has a strong 【太陽】 well, because he likes to illuminate others, so there is Ming Wang 【太陽】 is not sitting in this statement.
    16.【太陽】 in the Life Palace again in Sishi (9 to 11 o'clock in the morning), the appearance seems sincere, but there is another side of the heart.
    17.【太陽】 with 【祿存】 in the same palace, will make money and get status, with three (【太陽】 of the men), 【八座】 (【太陰】 of the men) of the same palace, the representative can help 【太陽】 increase 【太陽】 of its own brilliance, that the man's status with the outside fame is naturally high. If you meet 【左輔】【右弼】, you can be a more important person.
    18.If 【太陽】 in the night (5 o'clock in the evening to the next 2:59 A.M.), but also encounter 【天刑】, the representative is prone to lawsuits. If 【太陽】 live in Mong then encounter 【天刑】, suitable for the military.
    19.【太陽】 if with 【擎羊】 the same palace, the eye is easy to injure, the spirit pressure is easier to accumulate, with the father's affection is estranged, if the fleeting, is not has the lawsuit is the demotion serious has the possibility which loses the work.
    20.【太陽】 Lost (5 o'clock in the evening to the next 2:59 A.M.), will be taboo (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地劫】, 【地空】, 【化忌】, usually with the father's feelings less, women easily marry to the unhappy object. The eyes are also prone to injury.
    21.【太陽】 with 【擎羊】 and 【陀羅】 will shine, the eye is apt to be hurt or get along with the father the situation is not good, with 【火星】【鈴星】 meet or the same palace, be careful burn, oneself individuality is more popular also easy to have right and wrong thing occurrence. 【太陽】 FAI (5 o'clock in the evening to the next 2:59 A.M.), 【火星】【鈴星】 in Tian Zhai Palace will be photographed, real estate should pay attention to the occurrence of fire.
    22.【太陽】 Wang Shou also 【化權】 or 【化祿】, a lifetime of fame and fortune; 【化權】, like performance, personality is also easy to master the power of course, people are more stubborn, 【化祿】, can have a competent class. 【太陽】 FAI (5 o'clock in the evening to the next day 2:59 A.M.) 【化權】 Peter is not so good, first, after fame and fortune is easy to be nominal, if there is one, two evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地劫】, 【地空】) to break through, the power of the effort to lose.
    23.【太陽】 【化忌】, or the loss of FAI (5 o'clock in the evening to the next day 2:59 A.M.), or the Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地劫】, 【地空】, both represent easy damage to the eye and cause more twists and turns.
    24.【太陽】 The loss of brightness, even if the success, but also through a very painstaking process. If there is another 凶煞 (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地劫】, 【地空】), it is only right to have the reputation but not the actual power.
    25.【太陽】 encounters 【文曲】, 【文昌】, 【天梁】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, three, 【八座】, and the like, are all useful to 【太陽】.
    26.Women's Life 【太陽】 is not good, but the ancients also feel bad, because the ancients have patriarchal thought, the female career star is good, will ignore the family, but if you do not want to marry a furnished home but want to marry a good helper to fight together, 【太陽】 The woman who is life and prosperous can be considered, Of course, we need to get along with each other.
  • 天梁
    1.【天梁】 If in the ugly, Chen Palace, no Evil Star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) that itself in the cause of money is smooth, if there are 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【祿存】 in the same palace, a lifetime of money.
    2.There are 【文昌】, 【文曲】 The same palace, can engage in official and cultural work, will have a very good development.
    3.【天梁】 【化祿】 When a disaster can be solved, it can also live longer. 【天梁】 【化權】, like to master power, but also like to control other people's things will also be the same.
    4.【天梁】 If in son, afternoon these two palaces, the same palace has 【文昌】, 【祿存】, represents the good knowledge, the examination rank is good.
  • 火星
    1.Fit in with 【貪狼】, can form the fire greedy lattice, the work has the courage, the career will have a great play. can also be engaged in military, will have a good achievement.
    2.With 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 in the same palace, the right to acquire wealth.
    3.【火星】 with 【左輔】, 【右弼】 the same in the Life Palace represents a management ability.
    4.【火星】 with 【文曲】 the same palace, represents the feeling rich has the talent ability.
  • 擎羊
    1.【擎羊】 In the Life Palace, the relocation palace, the body Palace, the illness Palace, all represents the injury and the disaster.
    2.【擎羊】 In the same palace as 【火星】 or 【鈴星】, there is a sense of authority.
    3.【擎羊】 with 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 in the same palace, there are many opportunities.
  • 台輔
    1.Personality: integrity, vigorous, resolute, stable, heavy feelings.
    2.Trait: Have the ability to persist, have foresight, have willpower.
    3.【台輔】 increases the stamina of the main star, the auxiliary star, and increases the original achievement to the higher position.
  • 天姚
    1.As with 【太陰】, 【破軍】, 【紅鸞】, 【天喜】 The same palace, all represents the choice of more than the heart, if with Evil Star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) in the same palace, to be careful of the peach dispute with the multi-angle relationship.
    2.I want to be able to make a decision, do not easily parrot, remember not to fantasize too much to think too beautiful, and unrealistic, also do not because of the momentary vanity aroused greed.
    3.With 【文昌】, 【文曲】 and other literary and artistic stars in the same palace, to the unorthodox academic will have achievements, wealth or good.
    4.Size limit and fleeting encounter 【天姚】 star, the representative can have the opportunity to know the opposite sex friend, and the feeling progresses quickly, soon began to fall in love. The same palace has 【紅鸞】 and 【天喜】 even marry directly.
    5.【天姚】 The star alone is not the peach blossom, but the literary talent, has the research spirit and the popularity is good.
  • 天官
    1.【天官】 star Five elements belong to the Yang Earth, is a symbol of hilltop, can obtain the status of the star, the representative can developed a lofty status.
    2.Work steadily, have goals, step by step, have principles, will follow the steps to do things. Clever straightforward, how much a little indolent, like quiet simple.
    3.With 【天梁】 the same palace, be suitable for the work of public office, or intelligence, investigation and safety; if 【化忌】, or encounter the Evil Star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】), represents the specific nature of the work, It is possible to work as an intelligence worker or a confidential person without knowing that his or her job is confidential.
    4.Fleeting or size limit encountered, representative promotion, job will increase, business is on behalf of business scale increase or expand new markets.
  • 寡宿
    1.【寡宿】 belong to the Yin fire, on behalf of a person alone, for Yin Gu. Not suitable to enter the parents Palace and the husband and wife Palace.
    2.Women's lives are especially unsuitable for 【寡宿】, in the Palace of life, the body Palace, the husband and wife are ominous. Such as the parents Palace, 【寡宿】 The mother and the father were dead.
  • 破碎
    1.The five elements belong to the Yin fire, representing the goods are not complete or things not smooth. Not fit to sit in the palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, Fu Tak Palace.
    2.In the Life Palace, the body Palace, the migration Palace, the individuality is not gregarious, the act is restless, the work is not single-minded, one thing does this little that lacks a place.
    3.With 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 The same palace, all things delay, but also because the delay would have been successful failed. With 【七殺】, 【破軍】, 【貪狼】 will be photographed, which can engage in Wu Yu.
    4.Also known as "the evil spirit", a symbol of mourning. Fleeting encounter 【破碎】, talking about the day is white talk, easy half-way and waste. Things are not single-minded, do carelessly.
  • 天壽
    1.【天壽】 The five elements belong to the Yang Earth, is the birthday boy, represents the longevity. is the auxiliary star of 【天同】.
    2.Like to get along with their own self-cultivation, do not love noisy, reason is better than feelings, so how many people too quiet feeling.
    3.With 【天同】, 【天梁】 The same palace, more representative longevity.
    4.Gentle white treats people sincerely, dignified and polite, considerate, but also unavoidably give the person to keep stubborn feeling, and do things not smooth, lack of courage.
  • 天月
    1.【天月】 The star enters the Life palace or the Body Palace, all represents the sickness or the matter which has the annoyance. If there are other evil stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) The same palace situation is more serious.
  • 紅鸞
    1.Middle age before the fleeting encounter 【紅鸞】 are good things, there are other stars (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) The same palace also represents a promotion and so on good things, if the evil star should pay attention to accident and injury, such as the time of the palace has 【七殺】 and 【紅鸞】 also encountered 【擎羊】 It could be a knife injury or surgery.
    2.If there are other peach blossom stars (【天姚】, 【咸池】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【貪狼】, 【廉貞】, 【紅鸞】, 【天喜】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【破軍】, 【七殺】, 【天相】, for a more romantic affair, an old age is not suitable for fear of a widow's pain.
    3.【紅鸞】 The star sits in the palace person, the feeling is rich, the opposite sex edge is very good, plus the appearance usually is full well, therefore is easy early marriage.
  • 天才
    1.【天才】 The star is the wood, represents the talent, is 【天機】 the auxiliary of the star.
    2.【天才】 The star enters the Life palace or the Body Palace, with 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 will be as talented as the representative has this reputation. In Caibo Palace, the official Lu Palace, Ford are suitable, can play the specialty.
    3.With 【天機】 the same palace, more representative in the talent can learn by himself or find the know-how. But a wise man will have a loss, or be careful not to be clever.
  • 封誥
    1.Personality: Considerate, emotional, gentle and subtle words, love clean, aspirant.
    2.Trait: Smart, intelligent, prudent.
    3.Fenghao such as its name, sealed the Hao's life, can increase the same palace place in the main star, auxiliary star visibility, reputation, icing on the cake of a star.
    4.For examinations and public office benefits, but also increase visibility.
  • 天刑
  • 沐浴
    1.Symbolize peach blossom, in that Palace is peach blossom. 【沐浴】 in the Life Palace and Children's Palace is the best, but to know too prosperous peach blossom is not necessarily a good thing, can maintain a certain distance and rules instead can turn to wealth.
  • 喜神
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of happy event, auspicious, fleeting encounter to show that there is happy, in the conjugal palace may be married, in the children's palace may be a child. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, husband and wife Palace, children's palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, not suitable in the disease palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the thought developed, the individuality is amiable, has the popularity; in the Life Palace, Body Palace, relocation palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace represents someone to help.
  • 15%
    1.Represent decay. Not suitable for the life palace, the body Palace and the old age, juvenile games, most likely there will be accidents, lawsuits, poorer or disease occurrence. It is better to have a fortune (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the palace. The Palace of illness and the Palace of official LU is also not suitable.
  • 力士
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the power, is the right star. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, but bogey 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 break through. In the Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace is also good. If the main star has four (【化祿】, 【化權】, 【化科】) that is a year of hard work.
  • 5%
    1.Represents extinction, isolation. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, children's Palace, suitable for entering the palace of disease.
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 旬空
    1.In the Life Palace indifferent fame and fortune, the success or failure of life repeatedly, drifting without roots. Like religious belief, also like to study philosophy, life study, more emphasis on spiritual life.
  • 5%
    1.From the mighty into the feeble. Unfit in the Life palace, the body Palace, the illness Palace, the representative does not have the vigor. The youth runs the bad place, then symbolizes the character is not lively, dreary. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and the Caibo Palace.
  • 官府
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the right and wrong, the criminal lawsuit, the official, the fleeting encounter to be careful lawsuit. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace, also is not suitable in the Caibo Palace, has the right and wrong to make money unfavorable, likes being flattered
  • 貫索
    1.On behalf of the prison disaster. Fleeting encounter to be careful in prison, or was framed, implicated. Even a star can be a mistake or a delay or a diversion.
  • 天煞
    1.On behalf of the Scourge Henghuo, fleeting encounter said there will be a natural disaster Henghuo, meet the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), can be avoided. Not suitable for entering the life Palace, body Palace, and specified palace (parents, brothers, couples, children, servants), especially against male specified.
  • 子年
  • 天德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter can be applying, so also known as the Pressure Evil star, representing friends, high social status.
  • 攀鞍
    1.representative of Fame, Yi Wu Yiwen, fleeting encounter representatives can get the help of the noble, can have a reputation and status. In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Peter Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, Wu Yu upper floors, with Wen (【天相】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】) The same palace, in favor of examinations, Can also have a reputation. He is also a fleeting small ke xing, can lift and alleviate disaster.
  • 龍德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter has to defuse or reduce the role of 凶煞, can also resolve the case, or in 【天壽】 the same palace, can alleviate the illness.
  • 亡神
    1.Representative loss, fleeting encounter but the table more difficult, easy to bankrupt, or poorer, there is a Xing Ji (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) to avoid. 【亡神】 Not directly let a person poorer, compare similar went misfortune is encounter cheat, lead to poorer.
  • 斗君
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 息神
    1.On behalf of depression, fleeting encounter should strengthen their willpower, don't get depressed. In the life, the Body Palace, all symbolize lifeless, will be depressed, work listless, lack of pioneering power. Flow month, day to 【息神】 Palace, will be easy to dispel the idea, no spirit, often yawn, doze.
Can understand the fate of brothers and sisters, the relationship between each other, as well as the achievements of siblings, and friends of the situation. In modern society, it is also possible to look at friends and see partnerships.
  • 兄弟姊妹 Looks
    Reference 75%
    1.There are 【紫微】 stars in the Palace of life, generally let a person look at the feeling can trust, usually do not panic but feel stable, because of course the waist also has a relatively heavy weight. Born in a rich and entitled person, the face is usually pale or white;
    2.The previous Book of Life is often commented on as honest, humble and upright, in fact, the degree of modest education is limited, I really want to say how honest is also good, and after all, is to do leadership, how many habits of their own to decide after the idea of listening to the next side of the building. But because the ears are soft, so susceptible to environmental impact, fickle and suspicious, It's hard to say how open your heart is.
    3.Since the Lord is in power, of course, the stars, representing the authority of the outside will bring a feeling of pride. Like to be a leading role, it is easy to handle things according to personal feelings.
  • 兄弟姊妹 Looks
    Reference 15%
    1.The facial expression usually gives the impression of a person, the masculine appearance character is handsome, the feminine appearance is gorgeous. The figure is medium, idealistic or perfectionist.
    2.Informal, life colorful, like to eat and drink, love the night life. Can say good way, do things lively, not afraid of hard, like to earn money also enjoy spending money.
    3.Good body, but also to control people. The talent of singing and dancing is good. Entertainers like fortune-telling, 【貪狼】 are clearly in this respect.
    4.Give people the feeling of not special feeling, but rather because they want to have too much, can not be satisfied in the same person. To pay attention to appearances.
    5.【貪狼】 【化忌】 A good bet is that there is no self-control in the opposite sex, and the pursuit of impatience cannot succeed. 【化忌】 will also be more utopian unrealistic.
    6.【貪狼】 【化祿】 smarter and more financially, but too speculative.
  • 兄弟姊妹 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.Most of them are of medium or high height, moderate in figure, handsome in manner, not afraid of living, attractive to the opposite sex, have personality.
    2.Informal, strong memory, competitive good debate, temper, impatient, personality hard. Rational but not gregarious, happy new ideas, good suspicion, merry, good adventure, often speculative, will want to small broad.
    3.Female life 【廉貞】, good temperament, handsome and dignified, not glamorous, if the trend of Yan is cool. There is no 【化祿】【化忌】, or no water in the genus (the two palaces of the water), or not according to Mercury, personality chastity Conservative, will be kept away from the opposite sex.
    4.The face is comely, Lighong, the mind is gentle and kind, has the study power, the straight, has ability.
    5.Have the ability of leadership, can plan the organization can deal with finance, like to work steadily and faithfully.
    6.Will fight for power, strive for favorable conditions, not concede, small places are very tight, very clear.
    7.The woman Life is comely, elegant, the reason is heavier than the sentiment, likes to decorate the family, the attention wears, has the special esthetic talent.
    8.Learn more into, persistent goal, to achieve a wish or ideal side willing to rest.
    9.Female life has a woman's temperament, the female life palace has 【天府】 is very suitable, has the good fortune and the temperament, Wanfley son. Fat point luck is better, but also not suitable for overweight.
    10.Obese person, control money has surgery. 【天府】 The stars know how to accumulate wealth, finance, and therefore easy to have money. Limited shipment every 【天府】, has this kind of phenomenon, and has buys the property the movement.
    11.【左輔】 The appearance is honest, the disposition is gentle dignified, is generous, has the sentiment, has the literature accomplishment, has the dark mole (does not reveal outside).
    12.Will not make trouble, can be honest deal with, optimistic disposition.
  • 兄弟姊妹 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.【武曲】 Most of the people who were sitting were pale, the forehead broad eyebrows thick, the hair is hard, the sound is full of QI. Cong 【武曲】, tall, the rest of the time 【武曲】, the body is medium. The face gives the person not to be angry then Wei's feeling, does not laugh can make a person feel fierce.
    2.【武曲】 The character is resolute, the honesty pays attention to the credit, the heavy loyalty. The upright personality is also straight, the matter is not satisfied with the direct reaction. It is more difficult to accept objections than to be treated unfairly, but not often to lose your temper. It is not easy to accept the leadership of others.
    3.Men's lives in the Palace 【武曲】 on behalf of my executive force, have perseverance, have courage, like to create, personality brave and cheerful, talk about loyalty.
    4.Women's Life Palace has 【武曲】 personality firmness conservative, easy to accept, the behavior is more labor, sometimes there will be a sense of loneliness. There are twists and turns in marriage. It is suggested that after marrying marriage, it also has its own career.
    5.【武曲】 The star is powerless, because he is a 【寡宿】 star (it is not easy to believe that people are less adept at getting along with others), so usually lonely helpless. Since only to help their own fight, of course, to strive for it, the struggle to master power, but after the struggle with people more difficult to get along with. This kind of does not concede the character, also lets 【武曲】 The person who sits in life learns to specialize, and 【太陽】 is the opposite.
    6.【武曲】 There is executive force, but not good at planning, but in order to strive for their own things, can come up with novel tricks, although not a complete plan, but by the novel tricks and executive ability, do to have their own set. In general, there is courage to carry out.
    7.The kind reaction in appearance also gives the person after the honest feeling, the speech has the sense of humor itself also has the compassion, sometimes a little good officious, occasionally will promise oneself does not have the thing, will say the scene words, attaches importance to the interpersonal relationship harmony, sometimes promised the thing not to complete, But to others to do it. Full of current government officials act.
    8.The appearance is polite, talk with person is most apt, give a person white impression, personality gentle like to help person, also like to adjust dispute.
    9.Women like to dress themselves, a little greedy, only eat their favorite food, to people have a smile, so give people a good impression.
    10.【天相】 The star is to own efforts to achieve. If the fate of the palace is 【天相】 and 【武曲】, the life of a smooth living material is good, promised that before the matter will be considered for a long time, promised to go all out, have a sense of responsibility and justice, but encounter pressure will want to
    11.The appearance is good. Men are capable, women have ambitions.
    12.It is not easy to be close to people, sometimes to pay attention to money, so they will not use wealth.
    13.Personality is kind, steady.
  • 紫微
    1.There are 【紫微】 stars in the House of Brotherhood, and there is a brotherhood that can be relied upon to help themselves. Of course, if the brothers in the palace have adverse effects of the stars, it is possible to help their own little, or mutual feelings of the other side does not want to help. 【紫微】 In the Brotherhood is also a symbol of easy to have the help of the noble, oneself also like helping others.
    2.【紫微】 in the brother's palace, usually you are also easy to toil, sometimes there will be in this area do not grasp the focus of the feeling.
    3.The Evil Spirit stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】), then for the auspicious in the band, meaning that the hands and feet will help you but also have a estrangement.
  • 貪狼
    1.There are not many brothers and sisters.
    2.Brothers are not suitable to live together for a long time.
    3.If 【貪狼】 in a brother's palace is in a trap, the friend may have a half-brother or a half-brother.
    4.There is no parental discipline in your hands, or you often disagree with your parents, and you leave your home independently because of different ideas.
  • 廉貞
    1.Brother has a heterosexual edge.
    2.Someone is secretly admiring, can get the help of the opposite sex friend.
    3.A good relationship between siblings can also be helped.
    4.【廉貞】 In the brother's palace, because 【廉貞】 itself heavy affection, no other influence, the feeling is good. But usually not very helpful.
    5.If there are four evil spirit (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】) or 【化忌】, it is possible to be dragged down by the brothers with each other easily disputed.
  • 天府
    1.Most of the people in the Brotherhood are engaged in public office.
    2.【天府】 is a financial star but into the fraternity house, it is possible to represent with the hands and feet will have money against the occurrence of things, if with 【化科】 the same palace, can dissolve this confrontation situation.
    3.Brother's Palace has 【天府】 parents more pain brother, less pain itself. Because 【天府】 in the brothers, 【貪狼】 must be in the parents, 【貪狼】 listen 【天府】 of the conductor, for 【天府】 work. It also means that brothers and sisters are usually good communicators, and may have a certain reputation in society.
  • 左輔
    1.The brothers and sisters will help each other and have good feelings.
    2.【左輔】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【左輔】 is eight white. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be a party for the Kyrgyz side.
  • 武曲
    1.Can get help from your siblings.
    2.If there are evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) 【化忌】, then there is no substantial help.
    3.Brothers learn well, each other will help each other support.
    4.Some of the brothers have a very good personality, extreme, or the relationship between the siblings is usually not very well.
    5.There are 【文昌】【文曲】 star rendezvous feelings will be better, if there is a fierce star (【火星】,【鈴星】,【擎羊】,【陀羅】,【地劫】,【地空】) influence, there may be a bad family reputation of the brothers.
  • 天相
    1.With the hands and feet have deep feelings, each other in schoolwork and career can help each other.
    2.If there are evil stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】), then the situation of help and involvement will occur, and the feelings will change naturally.
  • 祿存
    1.The number of brothers and sisters is not many, but will be to maintain the feelings between each other.
  • 鳳閣
  • 蜚廉
  • 恩光
    1.The interaction between siblings is good and the Brotherhood has a good reputation in society.
  • 地劫
    1.Most of them are arbitrary, with little involvement in their hands and feet, valued friends more than brothers.
  • 八座
  • 地空
    1.Most of the arbitrary, and the hands and feet are rarely implicated, not in the hands and feet to their own help.
  • 天虛
    1.The relationship between the Brotherhood is not deep, also chat not to come, also not long intercourse.
  • 三台
  • 天馬
  • 解神
    1.The main function is to turn the culprit into the auspicious, to eliminate the disaster. Lies in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease palace, the Virtuous Palace has relieved, reduces the role of the fierce star, other palace places useless place.
    2.【解神】 to the fleeting stars of the former star and the old star, the solution is very strong, almost 100%. But if it is to encounter a large fierce star, the Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】, can only be mitigated.
  • 天巫
  • 陰煞
  • 命馬
    1.Brother and sister activities frequently so feelings are not profound, each busy things.
  • 天哭
    1.The relationship between the Brotherhood is not deep, also chat not to come, also not long intercourse.
  • 冠帶
    1.Represents the joy and promotion. Into the palace is good, especially into the Life palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, Fu Tak Palace, symbol can get authority and fame. The Life Palace represents a competitive heart.
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 天殤
  • 15%
    1.On behalf of Shen Dian, review. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, personality will be more asbestosis, sluggish. Suitable for entering Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, because when the matter is finished, Shen Dian and review, it is a new beginning. In the Palace of Fu de is also good, can Ann enjoy.
  • 青龍
    1.Five elements belong to the water, on behalf of the happy event and into the wealth, promotion pay. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, suitable in the police sector, business development, can be high-spirited, oneself also know how to see things response, personality cheerful.
  • 5%
    1.The representative breeds, lets the person look forward to. Suitable to enter the husband and wife Palace, the children's palace, not suitable to enter the disease, the palace, in the sick and left the illness in vivo, of course, not suitable for the old Yun.
  • 將軍
    1.The five elements belong to the wood, the representative of the mighty, personality just violent, do not admit defeat and be proud, can achieve career, but not considerate. In the Life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace are good, suitable for the military police and business.
  • 天使
  • 旬空
  • 5%
    1.It's like being sick, always feeling down and depressed. Not fit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, illness Palace and juvenile Yun, work feebly, sick, like fantasy, but difficult to achieve, do not have perseverance. If with the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) the same palace, Can alleviate this phenomenon. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and Caibo Palace.
  • 博士
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing intelligent high, intelligent, tolerant of people, their own ideas are also the group of opinion leaders, has the desire to lead others, oneself also has the popularity, if with 【祿存】 The palace, the status will be higher, more powerful, in 12 palace which palace is good, especially the life Palace and the body Palace. 12 The evil spirit is after all a Class C star, So the main representative is not very meaningful, fleeting time more influential.
  • 喪門
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing bereavement, mourning. Fleeting encounter, there are unfortunate things happening possibility, the life or size limit fleeting encounter, are not auspicious.
  • 災煞
    1.Representative infestation, fleeting encounter to be careful man-made accident disasters and other foreign bad things. Not fit into the Palace of life, body Palace, Migration Palace, there is a foreign disaster, beware of deception.
  • 白虎
    1.The five elements belong to gold, fleeting encounter to be careful blood light, fierce disaster. 【白虎】 Encounter 【廉貞】, but also beware of lawsuits.
  • 將星
    1.To be able to turn the murderer into the Palace of life, the body Palace, the Representative has Wugui; and Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the official Lu Palace, especially for the military police; in the Caibo Palace, the representative has the opportunity to make a fortune. For the most powerful palace, can applying, 【將星】 is the Power star, representing the ability to command leadership, can also let the masses listen to, their own drive. 【將星】 For the Ding-class star, in the life of a small impact, fleeting, flow month has his influence.
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 月煞
    1.Representative villain, fleeting encounter to pay attention to unexpected disaster. Others say it is not good for women specified.
  • 弔客
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the mourning. The birth year 【弔客】 and the time 【喪門】 or 【弔客】 reunion, all symbolize the year of mourning, especially in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Tian Zhai Palace and specified palace.
  • 歲驛
    1.Representative move, Wugui, suitable for Wu Yu (uniformed, business) unsuitable for civilian (office). In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, suitable for the military police; in the relocation palace, the representative needs to travel for a living. is fleeting too 【歲驛】 horse, the representative busy, travels, Move, travel for a long time or travel often.
Used to determine whether a married or late marriage, the life of the husband and wife. Modern society can speculate on the conditions of choosing a spouse, dealing with emotional attitude, marriage, the way to get along, and so on, mainly in the relationship between feelings and marriage.
  • 夫妻 Looks
    Reference 75%
    1.In general, 【天機】 The people in the palace are usually smart and flexible, with more oval shape, moderate or thin stature, and medium height. Although it is a short temper, but the language polite, the words will be before the first thought, say the export.
    2.Usually more neurotic or sentimental, and popular with the opposite sex.
    3.Master thinking, Intelligence, making friends (servants) and the nervous system. If there are 【化忌】, there is usually a risk of injury to the limbs, resulting from damage to the nervous system.
    4.If 【化忌】, the limbs have the possibility of disability, resulting from nervous system damage.
    5.【文曲】 The people in the palace are handsome, eyed, medium or high, candid, knowledgeable in all aspects of nature also have high ideals.
    6.Good eloquence, good writing, like research. Men are gentle, women are temperament beauty.
    7.The popularity is good, the mind is delicate, sometimes sentimental.
    8.If there are evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) or 【化忌】, the study of learning, often a problem does not come out, the whole stop there can not continue to study, the body has scars.
  • 夫妻 Looks
    Reference 15%
    1.【太陰】 The person of the life, the facial features of the handsome men and women are many, generally good temperament, Ma Ying-jeou is 【太陰】.
    2.Male life son afternoon Golgo, the palace of the medium stature, Chen Xu Ugly is not the same, Yin Shen low thin, has been hai squat.
    3.【太陰】 The person of the life of the man is gentle and graceful.
    4.Whether male or female personality because both gentle, so easy to attract the opposite sex, so 【太陰】 star also known as the Peach Blossom Star.
    5.The personality is mild, the appearance is delicate, the disposition is sensitive, the multiple sensibility is sometimes easy to be disturbed, has the suspicion tendency.
    6.Moon and Full Moon born people, more lively, caring considerate, adaptable, to the living environment has its own requirements.
    7.Moon or the birth of a person, the personality is more timid, behavior negative, to their own environment want to keep clean but powerless, the feeling is easy to see not open.
    8.Personality Yin Shen, will not easily bow to people, personality suspicious, bold.
  • 夫妻 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.The appearance gives a good impression, the masculine elegant feminine graceful elegance.
    2.Good personality and versatile, smart and know how to exercise and good memory ability and understanding, can analogy.
    3.【文昌】 is an auxiliary star, for example 【文昌】 with 【紫微】 the same palace, that 【紫微】 is the LORD, 【文昌】 is supplemented, 【紫微】 has a leadership trait, 【文昌】 helps him learn the knowledge of leadership.
    4.Have a gift for academic, literary and art.
  • 夫妻 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.The appearance gives the child the feeling, usually the body is chubby, has the sense of humor, pleases the person to like, therefore the popularity also is good. Usually give people a warm and elegant feeling. The skin white, the female Life palace sits 【天同】 the stature is usually plump.
    2.Everyday life usually has a good time, even if you encounter something unpleasant, not a frown. Mild temperament, bad with people, is the hair 睥 gas, soon after the end of the anger. Take Jichang as an example, knowing that Zhou King wants him to go to the state is to house arrest him, but also calmly to go, under house arrest also eat sleep.
    3.Like to do good, also know how to enjoy, as long as the food and clothing is satisfied, is a contented personality. However, because of their own feelings, so in the feelings or some of the inner persistent place, will not give in.
    4.Usually learn more but less specialized, what all understand a little, but also what have learned some to meet, no longer delve. That is to say optimism is more than positive. It is more emotional than it can be influenced by the outside world.
    5.Female 【天同】 The life is easy to be moved by the romantic atmosphere, if there is a peach blossom star (such as 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【紅鸞】, 【天姚】, 【咸池】, 【天喜】 and so on, the peach blossom is too prosperous, generally speaking, the women's palace has 【天同】 looks are usually good, but it is easy to have many heterosexual friends at the same time.
    6.【天同】 There is also a look, such as the general appearance of the Ford God, the face is a blessing, if there is 【華蓋】 the same palace more easily have this phenomenon.
    7.Sharp eyes, good at the sense of the eye, quick and good response.
    8.Eloquence is no hindrance, like to study academic, have excellent analytical power, understanding, memory, association power. It is also a master of sweet words.
    9.【巨門】 Because of the ability to speak, although sometimes it is easy to provoke a dispute, but he is not nonsense, but according to the content, but because in the language of the fight, so it is not easy to get help from others, they do not like to obediently obey the instructions of others.
    10.Honest, with a little arrogance, dissatisfaction with the reality, because he saw more than the average person in-depth thinking.
    11.Subjective strong, personality is slightly cold, but in fact, there is a heart caring for others. Like to challenge the fate, so have the opportunity to have great achievements, but life also more twists and turns.
    12.The female Life Palace has 【巨門】 star, the advantage is careful, the popularity is good, the disadvantage is not gregarious, own suspicion also will let the love change.
    13.Rugged in appearance, strong in stature but disfigured, stubborn in temperament, outwardly calm and repetitive.
    14.Not like 【擎羊】 will solve the problem quickly, but secretly seek revenge method.
    15.【天魁】 The appearance good-looking, the speech has the analytic ability, conceives thoughtful, the person good-hearted, gives the human sharp feeling.
    16.Sometimes because of the truth to speak frankly offending, not admit defeat, strong self-esteem.
    17.Pay attention to the inappropriate relationship with older people.
    18.【天魁】 and 【天鉞】 all have manners characteristics, which are suitable for the same palace as any star.
  • 天機
    1.The couple's palace has 【天機】 stars, the difference between the spouses and their own age is greater, the other side in some places more neurotic, if there are other evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地劫】, 【地空】, 【化忌】) This situation will be more obvious.
    2.How many will disagree with the situation, the seriousness of the extent of the same palace to see his stars. If there is 【巨門】 the more serious argument, as with 【太陰】 the same palace will be cold War, but there are 【太陰】 in the same palace, usually another companion looks good.
    3.If there are evil stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) or 【化忌】, get along and be more tolerant, have something to say, do not rush to say clearly.
    4.such as 【巨門】 the same palace noisy serious.
    5.If there are 【太陰】 in the conjugal palace, the quarrel will be in the Cold War way.
  • 文曲
    1.Feeling good and sweet, but because of more emotional, so without careful maintenance will change.
  • 太陰
    1.【太陰】 In the husband and wife of the person, the spouse is mostly introverted appearance beautiful, both sides of the feelings of good also know how to cherish, but beware of other people's pursuit of the partner.
    2.Girls are suitable to marry their husbands who are five years old or older, and boys are suitable to marry their wives under the age of five.
    3.Moon Stranger, 【太陰】 sitting husband and wife, the relationship between husband and wife first good after bad. Because 【太陰】 is in charge of wealth, so boys can get wealth for their wives, or wives and families are rich.
  • 鈴星
    1.If in the afternoon, Wu Palace will not affect feelings, but the relationship between husband and wife will not be very good.
    2.The spouse is withdrawn, the mood is good when bad, still can bear grudges.
    3.It's easy to quarrel between husband and wife.
  • 文昌
    1.Conjugal love, the spouse has the artistic talent, the life has the interest.
    2.If the same palace and 【文曲】 or influence, peach blossom too much, there may be a little bit involved.
    3.【文昌】 The consequences of peach blossom are less severe than 【文曲】.
  • 天同
    1.Regardless of other evil stars, 【天同】 in the couple's palace, they get along well, not easy to quarrel with. But he is not so good-natured as to say that he hates quarrelling.
    2.Men can marry smart, beautiful, submissive, good-natured, a little childish wife, women can marry gentle and considerate, the child angry husband, and get along with each other happily. but because 【天同】 have not good at rejecting others personality, also easy to attract the crisis.
  • 巨門
    1.The spouse's eloquence is good, if has 【祿存】 the same palace, may obtain another companion money the help.
    2.Because the spouse is good at arguing, the husband and wife often quarrel. The best age difference between husband and wife is 10 years.
    3.Will be attracted to people with special expertise.
    4.Men like gorgeous women, women want to marry into the Giants, if there are evil stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】), easy to divorce.
  • 陀羅
    1.Marriage road is more twists and turns, easy to see on a point.
    2.The spouse's subjective consciousness is strong, listens to others ' opinion, has the question to be many to communicate.
  • 天魁
    1.The husband and wife are in harmony, their husbands are handsome, and they are helpful to you.
  • 天廚
  • 天空
  • 天喜
    1.The relationship between husband and wife, men will marry to the beautiful wife, wife personality like a spoiled brat. Women will marry a handsome husband, life is very interesting.
  • 孤辰
    1.Long together less, or ideologically difficult to communicate.
  • 天月
  • 紅鸞
    1.The relationship between husband and wife, men will marry to the beautiful wife, wife personality like a spoiled brat. Women will marry a handsome husband, life is very interesting.
  • 天才
  • 天福
    1.Early marriages are easy, especially for men.
  • 咸池
    1.If the husband and wife have 【貪狼】 and 【咸池】, both men and women should be careful about the possibility of a peach dispute with an affair.
    2.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
  • 月德
  • 寡宿
    1.Long together less, or ideologically difficult to communicate.
  • 破碎
    1.Marital feeling good when bad, sometimes glued together sometimes want to leave far, noisy stop.
    2.Also known as "the evil spirit", a symbol of mourning. Fleeting encounter 【破碎】, talking about the day is white talk, easy half-way and waste. Things are not single-minded, do carelessly.
  • 天壽
  • 臨官
    1.A symbol of jubilation. Into all the palaces are auspicious, the same as 【冠帶】.
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 15%
    1.Represents extinction, isolation. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, children's Palace, suitable for entering the palace of disease.
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 空亡
  • 5%
    1.The representative is cared for, cultivated. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, juvenile transport, middle-aged Yun, all the palaces are suitable, but not suitable with 【空亡】, Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】 the same palace.
  • 奏書
    1.The five elements are gold, a symbol of bliss, an instrument of good fortune, an effort to be affirmed. Suitable for the Palace of official Lu, Life Palace and Body Palace, enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, itself to have the writing interest, the disposition is steady. The trip encountered, on behalf of the examination list, promotion documents, or application cases passed
  • 5%
    1.Represent decay. Not suitable for the life palace, the body Palace and the old age, juvenile games, most likely there will be accidents, lawsuits, poorer or disease occurrence. It is better to have a fortune (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the palace. The Palace of illness and the Palace of official LU is also not suitable.
  • 力士
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the power, is the right star. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, but bogey 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 break through. In the Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace is also good. If the main star has four (【化祿】, 【化權】, 【化科】) that is a year of hard work.
  • 晦氣
    1.The representative encounters 【晦氣】 The thing, stagnates. The fleeting time encounters the expression is not smooth, turvy, the gas Yun is weakened, especially not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the mood is bad more easy to have the dispute.
  • 劫煞
    1.Represents banditry. Unfit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, on behalf of the year the work is not smooth; if in the fleeting four evil spirit (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】), beware of lost property, theft. Fleeting to pay attention to work on the unsatisfactory, money loss, met thieves.
  • 龍德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter has to defuse or reduce the role of 凶煞, can also resolve the case, or in 【天壽】 the same palace, can alleviate the illness.
  • 亡神
    1.Representative loss, fleeting encounter but the table more difficult, easy to bankrupt, or poorer, there is a Xing Ji (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) to avoid. 【亡神】 Not directly let a person poorer, compare similar went misfortune is encounter cheat, lead to poorer.
  • 斗君
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 咸池
    1.If the husband and wife have 【貪狼】 and 【咸池】, both men and women should be careful about the possibility of a peach dispute with an affair.
    2.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
  • 天德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter can be applying, so also known as the Pressure Evil star, representing friends, high social status.
  • 攀鞍
    1.representative of Fame, Yi Wu Yiwen, fleeting encounter representatives can get the help of the noble, can have a reputation and status. In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Peter Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, Wu Yu upper floors, with Wen (【天相】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】) The same palace, in favor of examinations, Can also have a reputation. He is also a fleeting small ke xing, can lift and alleviate disaster.
Can understand with the child's affection general situation, how many children, development how, indirectly speculates the sex life situation and the physical condition.
  • 子女 Looks
    Reference 75%
    1.The face of most square-long, tall and strong body, give the feeling of fortitude, temperament is more urgent, will compete with people. Like to rely on their own, do not like to be bound by others.
    2.Dare to rush, dare to risk, dare to face the crisis, the difficulties have the courage to overcome one by one, but after the difficult solution, there is no interest to continue to maintain.
    3.The emotions will be out of the way, temper anger, rational and independent, say, will do, do not hesitate to do things.
    4.【右弼】 Beautiful elegant, personality upright gentle, will forgive people, appearance suave, writing good, have dark mole, spot scar.
    5.Will not make trouble, can be honest deal with, optimistic disposition.
  • 子女 Looks
    Reference 15%
    1.Most of them are of medium or high height, moderate in figure, handsome in manner, not afraid of living, attractive to the opposite sex, have personality.
    2.Informal, strong memory, competitive good debate, temper, impatient, personality hard. Rational but not gregarious, happy new ideas, good suspicion, merry, good adventure, often speculative, will want to small broad.
    3.Female life 【廉貞】, good temperament, handsome and dignified, not glamorous, if the trend of Yan is cool. There is no 【化祿】【化忌】, or no water in the genus (the two palaces of the water), or not according to Mercury, personality chastity Conservative, will be kept away from the opposite sex.
    4.The face is comely, Lighong, the mind is gentle and kind, has the study power, the straight, has ability.
    5.Have the ability of leadership, can plan the organization can deal with finance, like to work steadily and faithfully.
    6.Will fight for power, strive for favorable conditions, not concede, small places are very tight, very clear.
    7.The woman Life is comely, elegant, the reason is heavier than the sentiment, likes to decorate the family, the attention wears, has the special esthetic talent.
    8.Learn more into, persistent goal, to achieve a wish or ideal side willing to rest.
    9.Female life has a woman's temperament, the female life palace has 【天府】 is very suitable, has the good fortune and the temperament, Wanfley son. Fat point luck is better, but also not suitable for overweight.
    10.Obese person, control money has surgery. 【天府】 The stars know how to accumulate wealth, finance, and therefore easy to have money. Limited shipment every 【天府】, has this kind of phenomenon, and has buys the property the movement.
    11.【左輔】 The appearance is honest, the disposition is gentle dignified, is generous, has the sentiment, has the literature accomplishment, has the dark mole (does not reveal outside).
    12.Will not make trouble, can be honest deal with, optimistic disposition.
  • 子女 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.【破軍】 is one of the Killing Wolves (【七殺】, 【破軍】, 【貪狼】), and they are all stars of the changing character. 【七殺】 is the manager, 【破軍】 is the LORD, has the momentum, can open up the soil.
    2.The stature is not high, the back thick eyebrow is broad, the temperament firmness, does not like to echo others, self-willed arrogant, is suspicious, likes the speculative risk, does not pay attention to the appearance, likes the new thing, does not have the status quo, always wants to change the reform, but also is susceptible to the environmental influence
    3.Words have the ability to incite people, dare to scold, others will be affected by your words.
    4.Men do not pay attention to appearance, women are much bigger eyes of beauty, but a little vain, waste.
  • 子女 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.The facial expression usually gives the impression of a person, the masculine appearance character is handsome, the feminine appearance is gorgeous. The figure is medium, idealistic or perfectionist.
    2.Informal, life colorful, like to eat and drink, love the night life. Can say good way, do things lively, not afraid of hard, like to earn money also enjoy spending money.
    3.Good body, but also to control people. The talent of singing and dancing is good. Entertainers like fortune-telling, 【貪狼】 are clearly in this respect.
    4.Give people the feeling of not special feeling, but rather because they want to have too much, can not be satisfied in the same person. To pay attention to appearances.
    5.【貪狼】 【化忌】 A good bet is that there is no self-control in the opposite sex, and the pursuit of impatience cannot succeed. 【化忌】 will also be more utopian unrealistic.
    6.【貪狼】 【化祿】 smarter and more financially, but too speculative.
  • 七殺
    1.If there are evil stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) be aware of the health management during pregnancy.
    2.Children good move, have their own ideas, will not because you are obedient parents, parent-child relationship is poor, suggest with, do their own old life preparation, the possibility of children's old age joys knee is not high.
  • 右弼
    1.Children are smart and considerate parents, daughter is more intimate.
    2.In addition to children clever and sensible, but also help parents deal with the family chores.
    3.【右弼】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【右弼】 is nine violet. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be for the Kyrgyz side can also do the fierce side.
  • 廉貞
    1.Children have a lively personality and a heterosexual edge.
    2.Size limit or fleeting encounter indicates I have private under the peach Blossom, object young.
    3.Love their children and their children.
    4.Children are smart, lively, and will be successful in the future.
    5.Many children, peach blossom, good health.
    6.Children are smart but also rebellious, have the advantage of liking to study, but also because want to know the principle shows damage to the behavior of the object, often the toy apart decomposition. Like to dress up a little strong.
    7.Children have strong personalities, and most of them are good.
    8.Self-control is required, or there may be children born of an affair.
  • 天府
    1.Children have talent, innocent lively lovely, and filial piety, will not let parents fret, neighbors will envy such a child.
    2.Children do not bad, the family has a centripetal force.
  • 左輔
    1.Children do not let their parents worry, nor do they increase their parents ' troubles.
    2.Children at a young age that is well-behaved not noisy, grow up to their own things are also handled very properly, schoolwork, life without parents worry more.
    3.【左輔】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【左輔】 is eight white. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be a party for the Kyrgyz side.
  • 破軍
    1.【破軍】 is the child's main star, into the children's palace and 【化權】 as well, said that the children to the family to help, just need to pay attention to the disaster, if the children's palace sits son, the afternoon palace represents the children's future achievements extraordinary.
    2.Children's personality strong, competitive, not afraid of the bitter defeat.
    3.Disciplining the children strictly, some things will let the children themselves as the Lord, but not everything can let the child do the Lord himself, if the rules and regulations are related to things, must persist, the other things to let the child to decide.
    4.【化權】 In the children's palace will be according to Tian Zhai Palace, there must be a house, if not a big house, is a large courtyard, otherwise it represents the house before the big square.
    5.【化權】 In the children's palace is not necessarily a peach blossom, even if there are words to eat tofu.
    6.Not much time with their children is not deep in each other's feelings, even if 【化祿】 also.
    7.Children are not easy to discipline, good move, destructive force, just hand toys, not five minutes to be decomposed into parts.
    8.Children's Palace has 【破軍】 star person, the child is good to move, will leave home to do the thing which oneself wants to do earlier.
    9.If the children's palace in the son, the afternoon palace place less influence.
  • 貪狼
    1.There is a possibility of early marriage. Children's personality fickle love hate strong, it is possible because the children acting too impulsive cause regret.
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 地空
    1.Because the center of gravity is not placed on children, there is little concern for children, because the relationship between children and you is not deep.
  • 天虛
    1.There is not much time to spend with children, for example, to bring a child or to give it to the older generation.
  • 天貴
    1.Children studious, well-behaved, they will learn to read.
  • 龍池
  • 恩光
    1.Children studious, well-behaved, they will learn to read.
  • 地劫
    1.Do not want to rely on their children in old age, on their own better.
  • 八座
  • 帝旺
    1.The symbol goes to the peak and the best. In the palace is auspicious, the most suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Fu Tak Palace. In the Life Palace represents the independence of the people, not by the power background, there are pride, not afraid of difficult, Buwei. The female has the Chi festival, has the masculine spirit. But be careful to go to the peak after the beginning of the downhill.
  • 伏兵
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, the representative of the tongue is right and wrong, fleeting encounter to pay attention to the hidden crisis this year will erupt next year. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Migration Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fu Tak Palace.
  • 15%
    1.The representative breeds, lets the person look forward to. Suitable to enter the husband and wife Palace, the children's palace, not suitable to enter the disease, the palace, in the sick and left the illness in vivo, of course, not suitable for the old Yun.
  • 將軍
    1.The five elements belong to the wood, the representative of the mighty, personality just violent, do not admit defeat and be proud, can achieve career, but not considerate. In the Life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace are good, suitable for the military police and business.
  • 截路
  • 長生
    1.Represents the birth of life, that is, the vitality of strong. In the 12 Palace no matter which Palace are good, afraid of the same palace 【空亡】; most suitable for entering the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the vitality strong, can longevity. In the Caibo Palace, represents the money to be able to live forever .
  • 飛廉
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of the widows and orphans, the fleeting encounter is much, the villain more, the tongue more, in short, there are many obstacles. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Fu Tak Palace, are playing a more heavy heart, but not too gregarious, easy poorer and have other bad things, also not suitable in Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Migration Palace, in the disease palace is good.
  • 天殤
  • 5%
    1.On behalf of Shen Dian, review. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, personality will be more asbestosis, sluggish. Suitable for entering Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, because when the matter is finished, Shen Dian and review, it is a new beginning. In the Palace of Fu de is also good, can Ann enjoy.
  • 青龍
    1.Five elements belong to the water, on behalf of the happy event and into the wealth, promotion pay. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, suitable in the police sector, business development, can be high-spirited, oneself also know how to see things response, personality cheerful.
  • 歲建
    1.A fire, a symbol of success or failure, this year's success, encounter Gizangi, every fierce plus fierce, he also represents disaster and change, encounter is easy to have trouble, there are stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) can be resisted.
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 太歲
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 月煞
    1.Representative villain, fleeting encounter to pay attention to unexpected disaster. Others say it is not good for women specified.
  • 官符
    1.The five elements are fire and represent the criminal lawsuit, official not. Fleeting encounter to pay attention to the battle of the tongue, not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, if evil bogey (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【化忌】) reunion, more trouble.
  • 指背
    1.On behalf of slander, fleeting encounter in the back of people criticized and maligned.
  • 白虎
    1.The five elements belong to gold, fleeting encounter to be careful blood light, fierce disaster. 【白虎】 Encounter 【廉貞】, but also beware of lawsuits.
  • 將星
    1.To be able to turn the murderer into the Palace of life, the body Palace, the Representative has Wugui; and Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the official Lu Palace, especially for the military police; in the Caibo Palace, the representative has the opportunity to make a fortune. For the most powerful palace, can applying, 【將星】 is the Power star, representing the ability to command leadership, can also let the masses listen to, their own drive. 【將星】 For the Ding-class star, in the life of a small impact, fleeting, flow month has his influence.
To determine the wealth of a person, suitable for the business in which to enter into wealth. The mentality and ability of seeking wealth, the idea of money, etc.
  • 太陽
    1.Male entrepreneurship is not smooth, women are not the object of marriage is better than memory is the object is difficult to find.
    2.Poor financial ability, money difficult to save, 【太陽】 when the effective, to make money to compete with people, 【太陽】 Lost Fai (Night Palace), bad luck, right and wrong. Money to earn the hard to go fast.
    3.【太陽】 In the Caibo Palace is originally a symbol of the ability to finance business, 【化忌】 after becoming a business but do not have the ability to do business, do not know how to performance, execution, play.
    4.Like to make money, for the money is busy, so everything is focused on money, as long as the money to talk about good, other things are good to solve the people. But this kind of person is not greedy for money, also not like to enjoy, just like to accumulate money, so said the debt owed.
    5.Alone 【化忌】 in the Caibo Palace, people have a sense of money only. But he's really just paying attention to money, not like making money, for example, he has decided to accept a certain amount of money, as long as the amount of talk, he is willing to give up and do not want to earn a little or earn money, so pure value of money, rather than like to make money.
    6.Also because he value the money, naturally will not take money to head capital, also will not use the money to enjoy.
    7.【太陽】 Wang Shou, look wealth, but their own good face, spending also more, every 【化祿】 more obvious. Encountered truncation, 【地空】, 【地劫】, I want to save up also can not survive, even if not good face, will also occur many involuntarily things to let money drain.
    8.【太陽】 Not in charge of Caibo, so 【太陽】 in the Caibo Palace to their own money to help little,【太陽】 Wang in Caibo Palace representative like to show others, lose FAI is to help others finance just. No matter 【太陽】 light and shade, in Caibo all represent to others money meticulous, good at conditioning just, Whether it is bright or dim, you need to work hard to get it.
    9.【太陽】 have the ability to do business and finance, investment also have the courage to judge, but in the downturn, vulnerable to be framed, lost reputation.
  • 天梁
    1.【天梁】 In the Caibo Palace, the money is not very important, not always think about how to make money.
    2.The attitude towards money is more natural than the wealth.
  • 火星
    1.A chance to get rich overnight, but also easy to go bankrupt overnight.
    2.In the same palace as 【貪狼】, there is a chance of a bonanza.
    3.If there are other stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) on the money more satisfactory.
  • 擎羊
    1.If you fall into the trap, it is difficult to money and bad fortune.
    2.To be careful of accidental loss, the impulse to buy financial products.
    3.If there is any other star effect such as 【紫微】, 【天府】, 【武曲】, there will be money, but it is unavoidable.
  • 文昌
    1.Can earn money in literature and art.
    2.Will work money.
    3.If there are evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】), even if it becomes a scholar is poor, there is no money in learning.
  • 天鉞
    1.The source of wealth is legitimate, and fortunes come in a succession of opportunities.
  • 太陰
    1.【太陰】 Sitting in the Caibo Palace, is the night-born people, make money smoothly, occasionally can get extra profits, life is rich. Like saving is also suitable for saving, but also like to buy real estate.
    2.If the day is born or 【太陰】 falls, it is more impossible to keep money, or spend it on children or outsiders.
  • 鈴星
    1.Have a chance to get a big windfall, but not necessarily a good thing.
    2.In the same palace as 【貪狼】, the representative has the opportunity to come.
    3.If with 【武曲】 the same palace has 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, will be because of money disputes.
  • 封誥
  • 天刑
    1.With the Ji Xing (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) the same palace or will be photographed, may engage in law-related occupations, earning little.
  • 天福
  • 咸池
    1.Caibo has 【咸池】, feared Evil star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) with 【化忌】, will be poorer because of the colour, gambling.
    2.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
  • 月德
  • 台輔
  • 天姚
    1.The rim is pretty good. Engaged in the industry for the opposite sex, or from the opposite sex to make money.
  • 天官
  • 天月
  • 紅鸞
    1.The way to make money and the place where money is spent are related to the opposite sex. If 【紅鸞】 Caibo Palace alone, financial management likes to speculate.
  • 天才
  • 旬空
  • 75%
    1.From the mighty into the feeble. Unfit in the Life palace, the body Palace, the illness Palace, the representative does not have the vigor. The youth runs the bad place, then symbolizes the character is not lively, dreary. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and the Caibo Palace.
  • 官府
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the right and wrong, the criminal lawsuit, the official, the fleeting encounter to be careful lawsuit. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace, also is not suitable in the Caibo Palace, has the right and wrong to make money unfavorable, likes being flattered
  • 空亡
    1.The money that can be earned is suddenly intercepted, or earned, and where there is a need to spend, if the cut-and-go relocation Palace, out of the field can be exempted.
  • 15%
    1.The representative is cared for, cultivated. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, juvenile transport, middle-aged Yun, all the palaces are suitable, but not suitable with 【空亡】, Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】 the same palace.
  • 奏書
    1.The five elements are gold, a symbol of bliss, an instrument of good fortune, an effort to be affirmed. Suitable for the Palace of official Lu, Life Palace and Body Palace, enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, itself to have the writing interest, the disposition is steady. The trip encountered, on behalf of the examination list, promotion documents, or application cases passed
  • 沐浴
    1.Symbolize peach blossom, in that Palace is peach blossom. 【沐浴】 in the Life Palace and Children's Palace is the best, but to know too prosperous peach blossom is not necessarily a good thing, can maintain a certain distance and rules instead can turn to wealth.
  • 喜神
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of happy event, auspicious, fleeting encounter to show that there is happy, in the conjugal palace may be married, in the children's palace may be a child. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, husband and wife Palace, children's palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, not suitable in the disease palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the thought developed, the individuality is amiable, has the popularity; in the Life Palace, Body Palace, relocation palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace represents someone to help.
  • 5%
    1.Represents extinction, isolation. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, children's Palace, suitable for entering the palace of disease.
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 息神
    1.On behalf of depression, fleeting encounter should strengthen their willpower, don't get depressed. In the life, the Body Palace, all symbolize lifeless, will be depressed, work listless, lack of pioneering power. Flow month, day to 【息神】 Palace, will be easy to dispel the idea, no spirit, often yawn, doze.
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 咸池
    1.Caibo has 【咸池】, feared Evil star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) with 【化忌】, will be poorer because of the colour, gambling.
    2.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
  • 貫索
    1.On behalf of the prison disaster. Fleeting encounter to be careful in prison, or was framed, implicated. Even a star can be a mistake or a delay or a diversion.
  • 天煞
    1.On behalf of the Scourge Henghuo, fleeting encounter said there will be a natural disaster Henghuo, meet the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), can be avoided. Not suitable for entering the life Palace, body Palace, and specified palace (parents, brothers, couples, children, servants), especially against male specified.
  • 子年
  • 龍德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter has to defuse or reduce the role of 凶煞, can also resolve the case, or in 【天壽】 the same palace, can alleviate the illness.
  • 亡神
    1.Representative loss, fleeting encounter but the table more difficult, easy to bankrupt, or poorer, there is a Xing Ji (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) to avoid. 【亡神】 Not directly let a person poorer, compare similar went misfortune is encounter cheat, lead to poorer.
  • 斗君
Can understand how a person's health status, the body that part of the organ is weak, easy to suffer from what disease. can also be seen easy to encounter what kind of crisis, emotional stability and so on.
  • 武曲
    1.Can meet the noble, few diseases, even if there can also meet the noble to alleviate, such as: to the surgery to meet the appropriate doctor.
    2.Representative Slim, good manners, good-hearted.
    3.【武曲】 The five elements belong to the Yin gold. Manifested in the body of the lung meridian, there will be a cough, phlegm discomfort situation, hoarse voice, asthma, nasal congestion, throat and trachea weak, easy to catch cold, bad cold good aftercare easy to lead to pneumonia. Jovant is easy to constipation.
    4.There are 【文曲】 or 【化忌】, the nose is prone to nose, sometimes breathing difficult, serious may be pulmonary effusion.
    5.If there are 【擎羊】 or 【化忌】, be careful of blood and knife.
  • 天相
    1.【天相】 is the Yang Shui, should pay attention to the bladder, the excretion system aspect health. Also be careful of skin allergies, diabetes and other illnesses. But generally speaking, it is mostly healthy.
  • 祿存
    1.When you are young, you often get sick.
    2.The spleen and lungs are weaker.
  • 破軍
    1.Easy because of work or word processing tired mind and boring, personality and ordinary people different.
    2.He often gets hurt when he is young.
    3.Strong body, peach blossom, sexual relations should pay more attention.
    4.【破軍】 belongs to the yin Shui. The main reaction in the blood and QI, heart health should also pay attention to.
    5.Men should pay attention to the problem of genital organs, women to maintain physiological functions, especially to pay attention to the womb, ovary health.
  • 紫微
    1.【紫微】 belong to the yin soil, so representative of the spleen and gastrointestinal more easily sick, usually prone to chest tightness abdominal distension diarrhea discomfort.
    2.Also easy to compare indulgence of their desires, the disease occurs repeatedly, if the same palace and Peach Blossom Stars (such as 【紅鸞】, 【天喜】, 【咸池】, 【天姚】, and so on, the symptoms will be more pronounced.
    3.【紫微】 with 【天府】, 【祿存】 are all in charge of the 睥 stomach system, but 【紫微】 the effects are mainly in the spleen.
    4.One of the Ren years (that is, the number of births at the end of 2 people, such as $number, $number, $number, 1972, etc.), 【紫微】【化權】 in the illness of the palace, ordinary life should pay attention to diet, or easy to cause the spleen and stomach diseases.
    5.【紫微】 In the case of a person suffering from illness, the illness is less painful, but if there are other ferocious stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【陀羅】, 【擎羊】, 【地劫】, 【天空】), the head is prone to injury.
    6.Old age should pay attention to hypertension this type of rich.
    7.If with the Peach Blossom Star (【紅鸞】, 【天姚】, 【咸池】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】) the same palace or will be more pronounced.
    8.As with other ferocious stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】), the head is prone to injury, causing brain injury.
  • 廉貞
    1.Easy to meet for sexual needs and attract each other peach blossom.
    2.Nature optimistic natural fat, mostly fat body, few people to middle age only fat.
    3.Easy to get along with people, let a person see more like.
    4.Sexual function is good.
    5.【廉貞】 belong to the wood, soil, also belong to the yin Fire, yin Shui. Attribute many, the symptom also is more difficult and incurable diseases, the small sickness medicine is not good, the big sickness cannot cure.
    6.The main firelight is dry, the teeth are not good, the skin is allergic, or I have a sprain. Special attention should be paid to infectious diseases outside of the epidemic.
    7.Easy to catch cold, also should pay attention to respiratory system infection.
    8.Because the five elements are due to fire, reproductive systems or diseases related to sexual function should be carefully prevented.
  • 天府
    1.【天府】 belong to the Yang soil, the main reaction in the stomach, legs and feet, or bad breath. But it's usually not serious.
    2.【天府】 with 【廉貞】 with the disease in the palace, the stomach is susceptible to searing sensation. 【天府】 with 【天相】,【右弼】 in the same palace, the stomach sometimes hurts, suggesting less eating cold food.
    3.The Palace of disease has 【天府】, which represents a life of few ailments.
  • 左輔
    1.Basically healthy, but the spleen and stomach function is weaker.
    2.【左輔】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【左輔】 is eight white. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be a party for the Kyrgyz side.
  • 三台
    1.【三台】 in the illness Palace to pay attention to lipid leakage dermatitis, acne.
  • 天馬
  • 解神
    1.The main function is to turn the culprit into the auspicious, to eliminate the disaster. Lies in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease palace, the Virtuous Palace has relieved, reduces the role of the fierce star, other palace places useless place.
    2.【解神】 to the fleeting stars of the former star and the old star, the solution is very strong, almost 100%. But if it is to encounter a large fierce star, the Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】, can only be mitigated.
  • 天巫
  • 陰煞
  • 命馬
    1.Men and women should be restrained.
  • 天哭
    1.Spleen, liver, lungs to pay attention to health, women should be careful menstrual disorders.
  • 天貴
    1.Pay attention to the function of spleen and stomach.
  • 龍池
    1.Ear disease, eye disease, or anger and diarrhea or waist leg discomfort.
  • 鳳閣
    1.Also should pay attention to the spleen and stomach health.
  • 蜚廉
  • 地空
    1.【地空】 people who sit in the palace of illness are prone to lack of blood, diarrhea and anemia.
  • 天虛
    1.The body is weak and the circulatory system is poor.
  • 天使
    1.【天使】 The five elements belong to the Yin Water, is the heaven to convey the meaning of the stars, the representative to provoke disaster upper body. 【太歲】, the limited movement encountered him on behalf of a thrilling thing, as long as there was a Xing (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) will shine, is small injury small misfortune, if do not have the support of Xing Ji, more encounter 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【巨門】, 【天機】, There could be poorer and losses in that year.
    2.【天使】 Always Chong parents Palace, it can recognize the importance of the father's disease line, very afraid 凶煞 break through.
    3.【天使】 in the disease, the five elements belong to the Yin Fire, which represents the Lord because of the toil and spirit. The above is subject to the age of illness.
    4.【天殤】, 【天使】 with 【文昌】, 【文曲】, fleeting 【文昌】 with the palace in the age limit, the representative will be injured, if again encounter 【喪門】, 【白虎】, the hanging guest Chong Palace, Body Palace, on behalf of the family members of the damage.
  • 旬空
    1.Personality hesitation, ordinary much toil, people worry about, think more natural also easy depressed.
  • 75%
    1.It's like being sick, always feeling down and depressed. Not fit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, illness Palace and juvenile Yun, work feebly, sick, like fantasy, but difficult to achieve, do not have perseverance. If with the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) the same palace, Can alleviate this phenomenon. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and Caibo Palace.
  • 博士
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing intelligent high, intelligent, tolerant of people, their own ideas are also the group of opinion leaders, has the desire to lead others, oneself also has the popularity, if with 【祿存】 The palace, the status will be higher, more powerful, in 12 palace which palace is good, especially the life Palace and the body Palace. 12 The evil spirit is after all a Class C star, So the main representative is not very meaningful, fleeting time more influential.
  • 截路
    1.Into and Ecuador can be the original main star represents the disease and disaster, but still free from toil, to pay attention to the depression and the liver, the lungs.
  • 長生
    1.Represents the birth of life, that is, the vitality of strong. In the 12 Palace no matter which Palace are good, afraid of the same palace 【空亡】; most suitable for entering the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the vitality strong, can longevity. In the Caibo Palace, represents the money to be able to live forever .
  • 飛廉
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of the widows and orphans, the fleeting encounter is much, the villain more, the tongue more, in short, there are many obstacles. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Fu Tak Palace, are playing a more heavy heart, but not too gregarious, easy poorer and have other bad things, also not suitable in Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Migration Palace, in the disease palace is good.
  • 冠帶
    1.Represents the joy and promotion. Into the palace is good, especially into the Life palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, Fu Tak Palace, symbol can get authority and fame. The Life Palace represents a competitive heart.
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 5%
    1.The representative breeds, lets the person look forward to. Suitable to enter the husband and wife Palace, the children's palace, not suitable to enter the disease, the palace, in the sick and left the illness in vivo, of course, not suitable for the old Yun.
  • 將軍
    1.The five elements belong to the wood, the representative of the mighty, personality just violent, do not admit defeat and be proud, can achieve career, but not considerate. In the Life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace are good, suitable for the military police and business.
  • 弔客
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the mourning. The birth year 【弔客】 and the time 【喪門】 or 【弔客】 reunion, all symbolize the year of mourning, especially in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Tian Zhai Palace and specified palace.
  • 歲驛
    1.Representative move, Wugui, suitable for Wu Yu (uniformed, business) unsuitable for civilian (office). In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, suitable for the military police; in the relocation palace, the representative needs to travel for a living. is fleeting too 【歲驛】 horse, the representative busy, travels, Move, travel for a long time or travel often.
  • 官符
    1.The five elements are fire and represent the criminal lawsuit, official not. Fleeting encounter to pay attention to the battle of the tongue, not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, if evil bogey (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【化忌】) reunion, more trouble.
  • 指背
    1.On behalf of slander, fleeting encounter in the back of people criticized and maligned.
  • 喪門
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing bereavement, mourning. Fleeting encounter, there are unfortunate things happening possibility, the life or size limit fleeting encounter, are not auspicious.
  • 災煞
    1.Representative infestation, fleeting encounter to be careful man-made accident disasters and other foreign bad things. Not fit into the Palace of life, body Palace, Migration Palace, there is a foreign disaster, beware of deception.
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 月煞
    1.Representative villain, fleeting encounter to pay attention to unexpected disaster. Others say it is not good for women specified.
About travel, relocation, tourism, promotion opportunities, speculative ability to play the situation, the performance of the activity. Interpersonal relationships, adaptability to the environment, the ability to deal with things, the behavior of the outside.
  • 天同
    1.Go out with the help of the noble, outside the opportunity to eat more oneself also willing to try new food, so good taste.
    2.Personality is not good, but often go out of the opportunity, popular, likable, often enjoy exotic food opportunities.
  • 巨門
    1.The outside is more right and wrong.
    2.If there are 【化忌】, the outside will be because of verbal offending.
    3.Eloquence is good and argumentative, controversy is won, but the harsh words are not good for themselves.
  • 陀羅
    1.When you are young, you can hardly be accepted by locals because you are not good at getting along with others.
    2.If the stall, may be stolen something, or the guests did not pay the bill, but the overall will make money.
    3.Positive outward development is still promising, but beware of the destruction of others ' secret.
  • 天魁
    1.There will be noble men out there. such as 【天魁】 in the transfer palace in the Shao, then know the male, is your noble.
    2.It's best to go out at home.
  • 天鉞
    1.There will be noble men out there. such as 【天鉞】 in the transfer palace in the Shao, you know the woman, is your noble.
    2.It is profitable to go out for business.
  • 天機
    1.【天機】 is the personality of the change, itself also the good movement adapts the change. Good development in the field.
    2.Not suitable for long stay in the hometown, suitable for the change of nature (business trip) of the work or activities. Suitable to go to a distant career, the farther the more active.
  • 文曲
    1.Go out to meet the noble, go out also can broaden the information, increase knowledge.
    2.Out can get help all the development, if there are 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】 the same palace can not be.
  • 文昌
    1.Go out have a noble help, I also lively, good with people.
    2.If there are evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) or 【化忌】, pay attention to clerical issues.
  • 寡宿
  • 破碎
    1.Also known as "the evil spirit", a symbol of mourning. Fleeting encounter 【破碎】, talking about the day is white talk, easy half-way and waste. Things are not single-minded, do carelessly.
  • 天壽
  • 台輔
  • 天姚
    1.Interpersonal relationship is good, often can get the help of the opposite sex friend, oneself also pay attention to dress up.
  • 天官
  • 天廚
  • 天空
  • 天喜
    1.In the field can be unexpected wealth, the opposite sex is good.
  • 孤辰
  • 天福
    1.Go out to meet the help of a noble.
  • 咸池
    1.Pay attention to the safety of water activities.
    2.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
  • 月德
  • 75%
    1.Represent decay. Not suitable for the life palace, the body Palace and the old age, juvenile games, most likely there will be accidents, lawsuits, poorer or disease occurrence. It is better to have a fortune (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the palace. The Palace of illness and the Palace of official LU is also not suitable.
  • 力士
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the power, is the right star. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, but bogey 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 break through. In the Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace is also good. If the main star has four (【化祿】, 【化權】, 【化科】) that is a year of hard work.
  • 沐浴
    1.Symbolize peach blossom, in that Palace is peach blossom. 【沐浴】 in the Life Palace and Children's Palace is the best, but to know too prosperous peach blossom is not necessarily a good thing, can maintain a certain distance and rules instead can turn to wealth.
  • 喜神
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of happy event, auspicious, fleeting encounter to show that there is happy, in the conjugal palace may be married, in the children's palace may be a child. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, husband and wife Palace, children's palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, not suitable in the disease palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the thought developed, the individuality is amiable, has the popularity; in the Life Palace, Body Palace, relocation palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace represents someone to help.
  • 臨官
    1.A symbol of jubilation. Into all the palaces are auspicious, the same as 【冠帶】.
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 空亡
  • 5%
    1.The representative is cared for, cultivated. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, juvenile transport, middle-aged Yun, all the palaces are suitable, but not suitable with 【空亡】, Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】 the same palace.
  • 奏書
    1.The five elements are gold, a symbol of bliss, an instrument of good fortune, an effort to be affirmed. Suitable for the Palace of official Lu, Life Palace and Body Palace, enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, itself to have the writing interest, the disposition is steady. The trip encountered, on behalf of the examination list, promotion documents, or application cases passed
  • 天德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter can be applying, so also known as the Pressure Evil star, representing friends, high social status.
  • 攀鞍
    1.representative of Fame, Yi Wu Yiwen, fleeting encounter representatives can get the help of the noble, can have a reputation and status. In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Peter Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, Wu Yu upper floors, with Wen (【天相】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】) The same palace, in favor of examinations, Can also have a reputation. He is also a fleeting small ke xing, can lift and alleviate disaster.
  • 貫索
    1.On behalf of the prison disaster. Fleeting encounter to be careful in prison, or was framed, implicated. Even a star can be a mistake or a delay or a diversion.
  • 天煞
    1.On behalf of the Scourge Henghuo, fleeting encounter said there will be a natural disaster Henghuo, meet the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), can be avoided. Not suitable for entering the life Palace, body Palace, and specified palace (parents, brothers, couples, children, servants), especially against male specified.
  • 子年
  • 晦氣
    1.The representative encounters 【晦氣】 The thing, stagnates. The fleeting time encounters the expression is not smooth, turvy, the gas Yun is weakened, especially not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the mood is bad more easy to have the dispute.
  • 劫煞
    1.Represents banditry. Unfit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, on behalf of the year the work is not smooth; if in the fleeting four evil spirit (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】), beware of lost property, theft. Fleeting to pay attention to work on the unsatisfactory, money loss, met thieves.
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 咸池
    1.Pay attention to the safety of water activities.
    2.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
To judge and subordinate interpersonal relationship between good and bad. can also be used to see colleagues, customers, juniors, downstream manufacturers, etc., see each other's situation, the other side of their own is to help or resistance.
  • 朋友 Looks
    Reference 75%
    1.The facial expression usually gives the impression of a person, the masculine appearance character is handsome, the feminine appearance is gorgeous. The figure is medium, idealistic or perfectionist.
    2.Informal, life colorful, like to eat and drink, love the night life. Can say good way, do things lively, not afraid of hard, like to earn money also enjoy spending money.
    3.Good body, but also to control people. The talent of singing and dancing is good. Entertainers like fortune-telling, 【貪狼】 are clearly in this respect.
    4.Give people the feeling of not special feeling, but rather because they want to have too much, can not be satisfied in the same person. To pay attention to appearances.
    5.【貪狼】 【化忌】 A good bet is that there is no self-control in the opposite sex, and the pursuit of impatience cannot succeed. 【化忌】 will also be more utopian unrealistic.
    6.【貪狼】 【化祿】 smarter and more financially, but too speculative.
  • 朋友 Looks
    Reference 15%
    1.There are 【紫微】 stars in the Palace of life, generally let a person look at the feeling can trust, usually do not panic but feel stable, because of course the waist also has a relatively heavy weight. Born in a rich and entitled person, the face is usually pale or white;
    2.The previous Book of Life is often commented on as honest, humble and upright, in fact, the degree of modest education is limited, I really want to say how honest is also good, and after all, is to do leadership, how many habits of their own to decide after the idea of listening to the next side of the building. But because the ears are soft, so susceptible to environmental impact, fickle and suspicious, It's hard to say how open your heart is.
    3.Since the Lord is in power, of course, the stars, representing the authority of the outside will bring a feeling of pride. Like to be a leading role, it is easy to handle things according to personal feelings.
  • 朋友 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.The face of most square-long, tall and strong body, give the feeling of fortitude, temperament is more urgent, will compete with people. Like to rely on their own, do not like to be bound by others.
    2.Dare to rush, dare to risk, dare to face the crisis, the difficulties have the courage to overcome one by one, but after the difficult solution, there is no interest to continue to maintain.
    3.The emotions will be out of the way, temper anger, rational and independent, say, will do, do not hesitate to do things.
    4.【右弼】 Beautiful elegant, personality upright gentle, will forgive people, appearance suave, writing good, have dark mole, spot scar.
    5.Will not make trouble, can be honest deal with, optimistic disposition.
  • 朋友 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.【破軍】 is one of the Killing Wolves (【七殺】, 【破軍】, 【貪狼】), and they are all stars of the changing character. 【七殺】 is the manager, 【破軍】 is the LORD, has the momentum, can open up the soil.
    2.The stature is not high, the back thick eyebrow is broad, the temperament firmness, does not like to echo others, self-willed arrogant, is suspicious, likes the speculative risk, does not pay attention to the appearance, likes the new thing, does not have the status quo, always wants to change the reform, but also is susceptible to the environmental influence
    3.Words have the ability to incite people, dare to scold, others will be affected by your words.
    4.Men do not pay attention to appearance, women are much bigger eyes of beauty, but a little vain, waste.
  • 貪狼
    1.A wide range of friends, but mostly casual acquaintances, fair-weather.
    2.Subordinates do not help much, if the evil Star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) subordinates flow larger.
  • 紫微
    1.In interpersonal relationships, like to have a powerful relationship, the advantage is to be able to rely on others to become famous, but how many people feel the feeling of flattery.
  • 七殺
    1.Subordinates help little, to go down to supervise.
    2.Friends are mostly strong personality, stubborn people. More friends, but more trouble provoked, it is best to make a few intimate friends on good, not more.
  • 右弼
    1.Subordinates and friends are helpful to you.
    2.will make money because of the help of friends. If there is a evil star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) or 【化忌】, a friend is more busy, or has a betrayal.
    3.【右弼】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【右弼】 is nine violet. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be for the Kyrgyz side can also do the fierce side.
  • 破軍
    1.In the friend is the opinion leader, also has the prestige in the subordinate.
    2.Communication is wide, but does not make friends, also do not casually with people.
    3.And the general friends easily scramble to listen to who, so the dispute unavoidably.
    4.Most friends are people who have power in some aspect.
    5.Because most of the friends are contrary to social norms, so it is easy to bring you trouble.
  • 恩光
    1.Subordinates and friends to their own help, will help you also because of their popularity, ordinary personality optimism good get along and know how to repay.
  • 地劫
    1.Subordinates and friends are difficult to help, and to be careful will hinder your ability to play.
  • 八座
    1.【三台】, 【八座】 the same palace or a meeting, friends subordinates to their own help, if only one of them, it is not helpful.
  • 鳳閣
  • 蜚廉
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 天貴
    1.Subordinates and friends to help themselves, will be helpful also because of the normal interpersonal relationship, you also keep the promise.
  • 龍池
  • 天殤
    1.【天殤】 star Five elements belong to the Yang Shui, symbol of consumption (white waste, do not know where to go), symbol of damage and lack of consumption. 【太歲】, the limited movement encountered him on behalf of a place that was not smooth, as long as the stars are not in trouble, if there are no stars (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), but also in 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【化忌】, 【巨門】, etc., Beware of lawsuits or official trouble that year or poorer.
    2.【天殤】 The Brother Palace forever, so you can understand the importance of the line, very afraid of 凶煞 break.
    3.【天殤】 In the palace of the disease is a Yang fire, will be waist and leg pain, eye problems, toothache and so on. The above is subject to the age of illness.
    4.【天殤】, 【天使】 with 【文昌】, 【文曲】, fleeting 【文昌】 with the palace in the age limit, the representative will be injured, if again encounter 【喪門】, 【白虎】, the hanging guest Chong Palace, Body Palace, on behalf of the family members of the damage.
  • 75%
    1.On behalf of Shen Dian, review. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, personality will be more asbestosis, sluggish. Suitable for entering Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, because when the matter is finished, Shen Dian and review, it is a new beginning. In the Palace of Fu de is also good, can Ann enjoy.
  • 青龍
    1.Five elements belong to the water, on behalf of the happy event and into the wealth, promotion pay. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, suitable in the police sector, business development, can be high-spirited, oneself also know how to see things response, personality cheerful.
  • 冠帶
    1.Represents the joy and promotion. Into the palace is good, especially into the Life palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, Fu Tak Palace, symbol can get authority and fame. The Life Palace represents a competitive heart.
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 帝旺
    1.The symbol goes to the peak and the best. In the palace is auspicious, the most suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Fu Tak Palace. In the Life Palace represents the independence of the people, not by the power background, there are pride, not afraid of difficult, Buwei. The female has the Chi festival, has the masculine spirit. But be careful to go to the peak after the beginning of the downhill.
  • 伏兵
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, the representative of the tongue is right and wrong, fleeting encounter to pay attention to the hidden crisis this year will erupt next year. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Migration Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fu Tak Palace.
  • 截路
  • 長生
    1.Represents the birth of life, that is, the vitality of strong. In the 12 Palace no matter which Palace are good, afraid of the same palace 【空亡】; most suitable for entering the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the vitality strong, can longevity. In the Caibo Palace, represents the money to be able to live forever .
  • 飛廉
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of the widows and orphans, the fleeting encounter is much, the villain more, the tongue more, in short, there are many obstacles. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Fu Tak Palace, are playing a more heavy heart, but not too gregarious, easy poorer and have other bad things, also not suitable in Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Migration Palace, in the disease palace is good.
  • 白虎
    1.The five elements belong to gold, fleeting encounter to be careful blood light, fierce disaster. 【白虎】 Encounter 【廉貞】, but also beware of lawsuits.
  • 將星
    1.To be able to turn the murderer into the Palace of life, the body Palace, the Representative has Wugui; and Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the official Lu Palace, especially for the military police; in the Caibo Palace, the representative has the opportunity to make a fortune. For the most powerful palace, can applying, 【將星】 is the Power star, representing the ability to command leadership, can also let the masses listen to, their own drive. 【將星】 For the Ding-class star, in the life of a small impact, fleeting, flow month has his influence.
  • 喪門
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing bereavement, mourning. Fleeting encounter, there are unfortunate things happening possibility, the life or size limit fleeting encounter, are not auspicious.
  • 災煞
    1.Representative infestation, fleeting encounter to be careful man-made accident disasters and other foreign bad things. Not fit into the Palace of life, body Palace, Migration Palace, there is a foreign disaster, beware of deception.
  • 歲建
    1.A fire, a symbol of success or failure, this year's success, encounter Gizangi, every fierce plus fierce, he also represents disaster and change, encounter is easy to have trouble, there are stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) can be resisted.
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 太歲
  • 官符
    1.The five elements are fire and represent the criminal lawsuit, official not. Fleeting encounter to pay attention to the battle of the tongue, not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, if evil bogey (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【化忌】) reunion, more trouble.
  • 指背
    1.On behalf of slander, fleeting encounter in the back of people criticized and maligned.
Career status, suitable for entrepreneurship or not, their own administrative capacity, the method of dealing with knowledge, learning attitude.
  • 長官同撩 Looks
    Reference 75%
    1.【太陰】 The person of the life, the facial features of the handsome men and women are many, generally good temperament, Ma Ying-jeou is 【太陰】.
    2.Male life son afternoon Golgo, the palace of the medium stature, Chen Xu Ugly is not the same, Yin Shen low thin, has been hai squat.
    3.【太陰】 The person of the life of the man is gentle and graceful.
    4.Whether male or female personality because both gentle, so easy to attract the opposite sex, so 【太陰】 star also known as the Peach Blossom Star.
    5.The personality is mild, the appearance is delicate, the disposition is sensitive, the multiple sensibility is sometimes easy to be disturbed, has the suspicion tendency.
    6.Moon and Full Moon born people, more lively, caring considerate, adaptable, to the living environment has its own requirements.
    7.Moon or the birth of a person, the personality is more timid, behavior negative, to their own environment want to keep clean but powerless, the feeling is easy to see not open.
    8.Personality Yin Shen, will not easily bow to people, personality suspicious, bold.
  • 長官同撩 Looks
    Reference 15%
    1.In general, 【天機】 The people in the palace are usually smart and flexible, with more oval shape, moderate or thin stature, and medium height. Although it is a short temper, but the language polite, the words will be before the first thought, say the export.
    2.Usually more neurotic or sentimental, and popular with the opposite sex.
    3.Master thinking, Intelligence, making friends (servants) and the nervous system. If there are 【化忌】, there is usually a risk of injury to the limbs, resulting from damage to the nervous system.
    4.If 【化忌】, the limbs have the possibility of disability, resulting from nervous system damage.
    5.【文曲】 The people in the palace are handsome, eyed, medium or high, candid, knowledgeable in all aspects of nature also have high ideals.
    6.Good eloquence, good writing, like research. Men are gentle, women are temperament beauty.
    7.The popularity is good, the mind is delicate, sometimes sentimental.
    8.If there are evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) or 【化忌】, the study of learning, often a problem does not come out, the whole stop there can not continue to study, the body has scars.
  • 長官同撩 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.Usually 【太陽】 the person in the Life Palace has a square face, the physique is usually strong, if 【太陽】【化忌】 is tall and thin and not spirit. The Day-born (3 to 4:59 P.M.) in the morning, majestic imposing and dignified appearance; the Night-born (5 o'clock in the evening to the next 2:59 A.M.), the main reaction to the mental level of intelligent frankness , there are principles of principle for people to do things.
    2.Male personality frankness will not care about gains and losses, 睥 gas aspects of the more urgent dryness; women do not let men, the language behavior of male-style, strong personality, the opposite sex is good, less single.
    3.Speak directly, straight to straight, will not speak tactfully, sometimes can be unbearable. And like to fight out right and wrong, but also easy to get angry.
    4.Work actively, in the diplomatic arena performance and graceful, like to participate in activities, but also good at making friends. Often can give a person warm feeling, like to help people.
    5.【太陽】 【化忌】 The appearance is tall and lanky.
    6.【太陽】 in the Life Palace day born person, male Qi has Wei, the shape is dignified.
    7.【太陽】 people born at night in the Palace of life are wise and frank and Fangzheng.
    8.Female behavior is more masculine, ambition is ambitious, strong personality, the opposite sex is good, so not often feel lonely.
    9.The appearance of honest and comely, acting generous, the appearance of a mature, experienced experience.
    10.In the crisis can show his ability to deal with things, which also represents the life of how many twists and turns, like to be the leader of the people, do what they think is right.
    11.Most of the faces are comely and intelligent, always rational, think rational can go through the world, can be respected from, is usually the leader of the group
    12.【火星】 The person who lives will inadvertently offend others themselves do not know.
    13.The skin is sensitive, the hair is not easy to comb neatly, the tooth is not neat.
    14.Rough appearance, if 【擎羊】 in the life of the palace, when the childhood has been disaster or injury, strong personality, rough temperament, and people are not easy to get along with, stubborn aggression, work straight to straight. But from the advantage, he also brave perseverance, do not do dark things have perseverance.
    15.If with 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】 The same palace, there will be spots of moles.
    16.【擎羊】 The symbol of harm, the star with it will reduce the development of the stars, the evil spirit with him, will also be reduced to the extent of victimization.
  • 長官同撩 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.【天鉞】 Acting with vigour and decisive, men will be a bit feminine, women are elegant temperament, but easy to be moved to be chased.
    2.Like to have the power of decision-making, strict requirements, sometimes people feel difficult to get along with.
    3.Pay attention to the inappropriate relationship with older people.
    4.【天魁】 and 【天鉞】 all have manners characteristics, which are suitable for the same palace as any star.
  • 太陰
    1.A smooth career, less change, I do not like to change.
    2.Can be engaged in cleaning supplies, cosmetics-related industries, household goods, water and electricity, clothing, restaurants are also suitable for business.
    3.Also suitable for engaging in real estate trading, introduction of the industry.
  • 鈴星
    1.Career can be achieved.
    2.With the Ji Xing (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) The same palace can ascend to a good position.
    3.The temple, the position is high, falls in the trap, the position is low.
  • 天機
    1.Engaged in the work, suitable for the change of large, not suitable for pure sitting office. Also suitable for the brain of the technician.
    2.It is appropriate to think or to have a handy job. such as art, religion, publishing, design, planning, etc. also suitable for education, wood, decoration, because 【天機】 belong to wood.
    3.such as 【天機】【化忌】, suitable for technical personnel.
  • 文曲
    1.Suitable for work related to writing, painting and composing.
  • 太陽
    1.Many twists and turns in the work, the male entrepreneurship is not smooth.
    2.Easy to be a male colleague or male boss, difficult.
    3.Even if the work plan is thorough beforehand, it is easy to change, but it is better to be prepared than not.
    4.The work is busy, the work attitude is conscientious, the mind all puts in the career, neglects spouse family.
    5.Work hard, but do not know how to adapt, so as not to engage in fixed work, the average person suitable for office workers.
    6.Year of Health 【化忌】 in the official LU, regardless of their own business or work of the company, operating conditions will not be very good.
    7.Informal, cautious attitude, dedicated, but can not be perfect.
    8.【太陽】 【化忌】 In Official Lu Palace, is the cooperation office workers. 【太陽】 Wang Shou, can be in charge as a supervisor.
    9.【太陽】 is in charge of the cause, but not specialize in an industry, like to go around. In the work, the nature of diplomatic PR is better, because it will be able to contact different people at all times. When 【太陽】 The official LU, is not engaged in the need to run around the communication business work, is the storefront can contact the crowd of the counter personnel, or management store manager personnel .
    10.【太陽】 Wang Shou, can be in business, politics, trade or their own independent career. The loss of brilliance is when the driver or the labor industry.
  • 天梁
    1.Career stability, suitable for education, communication, Scrivener, judges, academic research. Women are only housewives. There are some pity that they can develop their careers.
  • 火星
    1.If the three places in the House of my own, the afternoon, the Xu Palace, the early efforts, middle-aged can have achievements.
    2.With 【貪狼】 the same palace career achievements, with 【左輔】, 【右弼】 the same palace can succeed.
    3.Suitable for heavy industry, steel industry, welding, military, etc.
  • 擎羊
    1.If there is a fortune (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), it is suitable for work in military or policing, and can have a good performance.
    2.Also suitable for surgeons, lawyers, police, machinery, garment processing, clothing repair, acupuncture doctors.
  • 天鉞
    1.There are a lot of opportunities, that is, the development of academia and the arts, and 【天魁】 a house of cohabitation, the movement is quite good.
  • 天月
  • 紅鸞
    1.When young in the career path development is better than others.
  • 天才
  • 天廚
  • 天空
  • 天喜
    1.When young in the career path development is better than others.
  • 孤辰
    1.Work is not smooth, the workplace often annoying people appear.
  • 封誥
  • 天刑
    1.With 【太陽】 the same palace can be engaged in the police industry, the production sector, there are 【巨門】 or 【廉貞】 or 【太陽】 can be engaged in law-related industries, but they should be careful right and wrong.
  • 台輔
    1.Proper conversation and proper dress will help people to love art and design.
  • 天姚
    1.Like to change careers, changing the working environment.
  • 天官
  • 75%
    1.Represents extinction, isolation. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, children's Palace, suitable for entering the palace of disease.
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 臨官
    1.A symbol of jubilation. Into all the palaces are auspicious, the same as 【冠帶】.
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 旬空
  • 5%
    1.From the mighty into the feeble. Unfit in the Life palace, the body Palace, the illness Palace, the representative does not have the vigor. The youth runs the bad place, then symbolizes the character is not lively, dreary. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and the Caibo Palace.
  • 官府
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the right and wrong, the criminal lawsuit, the official, the fleeting encounter to be careful lawsuit. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace, also is not suitable in the Caibo Palace, has the right and wrong to make money unfavorable, likes being flattered
  • 沐浴
    1.Symbolize peach blossom, in that Palace is peach blossom. 【沐浴】 in the Life Palace and Children's Palace is the best, but to know too prosperous peach blossom is not necessarily a good thing, can maintain a certain distance and rules instead can turn to wealth.
  • 喜神
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of happy event, auspicious, fleeting encounter to show that there is happy, in the conjugal palace may be married, in the children's palace may be a child. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, husband and wife Palace, children's palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, not suitable in the disease palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the thought developed, the individuality is amiable, has the popularity; in the Life Palace, Body Palace, relocation palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace represents someone to help.
  • 龍德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter has to defuse or reduce the role of 凶煞, can also resolve the case, or in 【天壽】 the same palace, can alleviate the illness.
  • 亡神
    1.Representative loss, fleeting encounter but the table more difficult, easy to bankrupt, or poorer, there is a Xing Ji (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) to avoid. 【亡神】 Not directly let a person poorer, compare similar went misfortune is encounter cheat, lead to poorer.
  • 斗君
  • 晦氣
    1.The representative encounters 【晦氣】 The thing, stagnates. The fleeting time encounters the expression is not smooth, turvy, the gas Yun is weakened, especially not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the mood is bad more easy to have the dispute.
  • 劫煞
    1.Represents banditry. Unfit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, on behalf of the year the work is not smooth; if in the fleeting four evil spirit (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】), beware of lost property, theft. Fleeting to pay attention to work on the unsatisfactory, money loss, met thieves.
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 息神
    1.On behalf of depression, fleeting encounter should strengthen their willpower, don't get depressed. In the life, the Body Palace, all symbolize lifeless, will be depressed, work listless, lack of pioneering power. Flow month, day to 【息神】 Palace, will be easy to dispel the idea, no spirit, often yawn, doze.
  • 貫索
    1.On behalf of the prison disaster. Fleeting encounter to be careful in prison, or was framed, implicated. Even a star can be a mistake or a delay or a diversion.
  • 天煞
    1.On behalf of the Scourge Henghuo, fleeting encounter said there will be a natural disaster Henghuo, meet the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), can be avoided. Not suitable for entering the life Palace, body Palace, and specified palace (parents, brothers, couples, children, servants), especially against male specified.
  • 子年
Determine whether you can inherit property, or your own real estate, the environment of the residence and so on. You can also see their own growth environment, can buy real estate.
  • 廉貞
    1.Family in peace, wealth is good, and with peach blossom, objects older than I.
    2.Peace, good fortune, pay attention to interior decoration, decoration.
    3.With property, the family environment is good and the family is well decorated.
    4.I am a family, but also on behalf of their own peach blossom, the object is older.
    5.【廉貞】 into the field House palace difficult to hold inherited, even if it is their own production is also easy to change.
    6.Like to live in a lively place, decorating love gorgeous.
    7.And 【七殺】 the same palace, suitable for their own efforts to purchase property.
    8.Often the mouth dispute, especially in 【化忌】 when for more so, if there is 【火星】 with the palace to be careful fire, fleeting time also should pay attention to guard against.
    9.Suitable for the operation of entertainment with people.
  • 天府
    1.【天府】 is also in charge of real estate, so at least not lack, from a small family is usually good, there is a chance to live in the advanced residential areas.
    2.The purchase of real estate is suitable for reference to the experience of others or elders to deal with a large amount of real estate, light by their own judgment is easy to make mistakes.
  • 左輔
    1.Life can be because of their own efforts and achievements, hit will have inherited.
    2.Like to live in the cultural and educational district.
    3.【左輔】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【左輔】 is eight white. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be a party for the Kyrgyz side.
  • 七殺
    1.Real estate changes are large, there are the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) will be more able to retain real estate.
    2.Near home there are police stations, barracks, markets, public places, high-rise buildings.
  • 右弼
    1.Down-to-earth to face their own hard work, there will be results.
    2.Like to live in the cultural and educational district.
    3.【右弼】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【右弼】 is nine violet. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be for the Kyrgyz side can also do the fierce side.
  • 武曲
    1.Family World innocence, tutor good.
    2.Home decorate beautiful elegance, pay attention to the family life mood.
    3.Because the main wealth, generally can buy their own industry. There are the Stars (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 are able to inherit many property. If there is evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地劫】, 【地空】) break through, get the property, Will be lost in your hands. 【武曲】, 【天相】 the same palace, first lost and then regain; 【武曲】, 【七殺】 the same palace, do not want to inherit property and like their own efforts to produce; 【武曲】 with 【天府】 in the same palace, the property can be preserved well.
    4.There are usually buildings near homes, large buildings with cylindrical shape, or financial institutions, and there is a noisy market nearby if there is a break.
  • 天相
    1.You can get real estate because of your diligence.
    2.If there are evil stars (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) pay attention to the flaws in the real estate documents.
    3.There is water near home, suitable for keeping tropical fish and aquarium.
  • 祿存
    1.There will be inherited.
    2.If there are evil stars (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) then the inherited will be lost, but can be purchased in their own efforts.
    3.There are taller buildings near homes, brick-and-tile factories, mounds, bridges, ancient wells, or micro-heights.
  • 紫微
    1.【紫微】 is in charge of the cause, so 【紫微】 in the Life Palace, Caibo Palace and Tian Zhai Palace can be in charge of money, but only financial ability, have no big impact on their own property.
    2.But because 【紫微】 is very expensive, the people who usually have 【紫微】 will live in higher residential areas, high-rise buildings, higher terrain, or near the public authorities.
    3.If 【紫微】 and 【貪狼】 or 【紫微】 and 【破軍】 in Tian Zhai Palace, the neighborhood will be more lively.
  • 地空
    1.Few or no property, can operate real estate, the use of real estate will not be too long in the hands of the characteristics.
    2.【地空】 in Tian Zhai Palace, in the purchase of real estate more laborious, not easy to hold for a long time.
  • 天虛
    1.There were ruins near the house.
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 三台
    1.The house is near the road.
  • 天馬
  • 解神
    1.The main function is to turn the culprit into the auspicious, to eliminate the disaster. Lies in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease palace, the Virtuous Palace has relieved, reduces the role of the fierce star, other palace places useless place.
    2.【解神】 to the fleeting stars of the former star and the old star, the solution is very strong, almost 100%. But if it is to encounter a large fierce star, the Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】, can only be mitigated.
  • 天巫
  • 陰煞
    1.It's not that there's something unclean in your home that is a quarrel between family members.
  • 命馬
    1.There are many friends and relatives in the family.
    2.【天馬】 represents the opportunity, 【天馬】 in Tian Zhai representative has the opportunity to buy real estate, if with 【天馬】 the same palace place stars are a star (such as 【祿存】, 【天相】 or 【化祿】) represents the opportunity to buy a good real estate, and the table is rich.
  • 天哭
    1.There is junk near the house.
  • 鳳閣
  • 蜚廉
  • 75%
    1.The representative breeds, lets the person look forward to. Suitable to enter the husband and wife Palace, the children's palace, not suitable to enter the disease, the palace, in the sick and left the illness in vivo, of course, not suitable for the old Yun.
  • 將軍
    1.The five elements belong to the wood, the representative of the mighty, personality just violent, do not admit defeat and be proud, can achieve career, but not considerate. In the Life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace are good, suitable for the military police and business.
  • 帝旺
    1.The symbol goes to the peak and the best. In the palace is auspicious, the most suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Fu Tak Palace. In the Life Palace represents the independence of the people, not by the power background, there are pride, not afraid of difficult, Buwei. The female has the Chi festival, has the masculine spirit. But be careful to go to the peak after the beginning of the downhill.
  • 伏兵
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, the representative of the tongue is right and wrong, fleeting encounter to pay attention to the hidden crisis this year will erupt next year. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Migration Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fu Tak Palace.
  • 天使
  • 旬空
  • 5%
    1.It's like being sick, always feeling down and depressed. Not fit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, illness Palace and juvenile Yun, work feebly, sick, like fantasy, but difficult to achieve, do not have perseverance. If with the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) the same palace, Can alleviate this phenomenon. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and Caibo Palace.
  • 博士
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing intelligent high, intelligent, tolerant of people, their own ideas are also the group of opinion leaders, has the desire to lead others, oneself also has the popularity, if with 【祿存】 The palace, the status will be higher, more powerful, in 12 palace which palace is good, especially the life Palace and the body Palace. 12 The evil spirit is after all a Class C star, So the main representative is not very meaningful, fleeting time more influential.
  • 冠帶
    1.Represents the joy and promotion. Into the palace is good, especially into the Life palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, relocation Palace, Fu Tak Palace, symbol can get authority and fame. The Life Palace represents a competitive heart.
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 月煞
    1.Representative villain, fleeting encounter to pay attention to unexpected disaster. Others say it is not good for women specified.
  • 歲建
    1.A fire, a symbol of success or failure, this year's success, encounter Gizangi, every fierce plus fierce, he also represents disaster and change, encounter is easy to have trouble, there are stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) can be resisted.
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 太歲
  • 弔客
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the mourning. The birth year 【弔客】 and the time 【喪門】 or 【弔客】 reunion, all symbolize the year of mourning, especially in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Tian Zhai Palace and specified palace.
  • 歲驛
    1.Representative move, Wugui, suitable for Wu Yu (uniformed, business) unsuitable for civilian (office). In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, suitable for the military police; in the relocation palace, the representative needs to travel for a living. is fleeting too 【歲驛】 horse, the representative busy, travels, Move, travel for a long time or travel often.
  • 喪門
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing bereavement, mourning. Fleeting encounter, there are unfortunate things happening possibility, the life or size limit fleeting encounter, are not auspicious.
  • 災煞
    1.Representative infestation, fleeting encounter to be careful man-made accident disasters and other foreign bad things. Not fit into the Palace of life, body Palace, Migration Palace, there is a foreign disaster, beware of deception.
Determine the life expectancy of a person, and the enjoyment of the spiritual experience of the situation. The spiritual and physical aspects can also be seen in the way of dealing with adversity.
Body Palace Simple Explanation The Body Palace in the Ford expresses the comparative understanding to enjoy, but does not necessarily express the extravagance, the life and the Jude, the causality has the quite degree influence.
  • 文昌
    1.Happy temperament Most of the time also have no worry about things, love reading books.
    2.If 【化忌】 The mood is good and bad.
  • 太陽
    1.Generally speaking, there is not much time to spend with grandpa after birth.
    2.Bad temper in old age, it is easy to be angry with themselves.
    3.The personality is honest, cannot enjoy oneself to earn the money, but gives others to enjoy.
    4.Making money is harder.
    5.I think more, nothing will find things to worry about. For example: to worry about the hair, and worry about the hair.
    6.Often the noble to help, their own attitude is positive, life is often to the cause, the personality slightly acute dryness.
    7.The best female life is 【太陽】 Wang Shou, may marry an achievement has the status husband.
    8.【太陽】 its own light and shade, represents the thickness of the Ford and the encounter with the help of their strength.
  • 天梁
    1.Can find the spirit of dependence on their own, cultivate interest, can be in the literature to get the spiritual comfort.
    2.Do not be the leader of the character, if you can in the crowd group as the second position of the role will be more suitable, can be happy to spend life, good mood life is long.
  • 火星
    1.Busy all day, but busy, psychological and full of.
  • 擎羊
    1.A busy life, suitable for business or more change in the industry.
  • 天同
    1.【天同】 He is in charge of virtue, 【天同】 Enter the Gong and get a happy life. But people tend to be lazy.
    2.Know how to think about each other's meaning, will be the way, in the relationship between the response is faster, so coordination time home, suitable for fight.
    3.Even 【化忌】 will enjoy life, but will be more labor.
  • 巨門
    1.Toil and gain is not much, often in vain feeling.
    2.【化忌】 Pay attention to the taboos, food and greasy food do not eat more, will affect health.
  • 陀羅
    1.Teeth are inherently bad, easy to be eaten and easily damaged.
    2.A lifetime of trouble, in order to work busy but few pleasures.
  • 天魁
    1.can be applying. Basically, life is a success.
  • 天機
    1.Like thinking, high thirst for knowledge, curiosity. Will pursue the development of spiritual level.
    2.It's not the labor, it's the toil. Do not like the quiet empty, like 【天馬】 line of thinking. It is advisable to study the knowledge or metaphysics associated with the Divine Buddha.
  • 文曲
    1.To have a happy time, I like to study the philosophy of life.
    2.Like fantasy.
  • 天福
  • 咸池
    1.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
  • 月德
  • 封誥
  • 天刑
    1.Easy to worry about, and easy to think over, the heart is rarely calm.
  • 寡宿
    1.He is a loner and does not like to participate in group activities.
  • 破碎
    1.Also known as "the evil spirit", a symbol of mourning. Fleeting encounter 【破碎】, talking about the day is white talk, easy half-way and waste. Things are not single-minded, do carelessly.
  • 天壽
  • 天廚
  • 天空
  • 天喜
    1.Blessed is the Yu of material spirit.
  • 孤辰
    1.He is a loner and does not like to participate in group activities.
  • 空亡
  • 75%
    1.The representative is cared for, cultivated. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, juvenile transport, middle-aged Yun, all the palaces are suitable, but not suitable with 【空亡】, Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】 the same palace.
  • 奏書
    1.The five elements are gold, a symbol of bliss, an instrument of good fortune, an effort to be affirmed. Suitable for the Palace of official Lu, Life Palace and Body Palace, enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, itself to have the writing interest, the disposition is steady. The trip encountered, on behalf of the examination list, promotion documents, or application cases passed
  • 旬空
  • 15%
    1.From the mighty into the feeble. Unfit in the Life palace, the body Palace, the illness Palace, the representative does not have the vigor. The youth runs the bad place, then symbolizes the character is not lively, dreary. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and the Caibo Palace.
  • 官府
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the right and wrong, the criminal lawsuit, the official, the fleeting encounter to be careful lawsuit. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace, also is not suitable in the Caibo Palace, has the right and wrong to make money unfavorable, likes being flattered
  • 5%
    1.Represent decay. Not suitable for the life palace, the body Palace and the old age, juvenile games, most likely there will be accidents, lawsuits, poorer or disease occurrence. It is better to have a fortune (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the palace. The Palace of illness and the Palace of official LU is also not suitable.
  • 力士
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the power, is the right star. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, but bogey 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 break through. In the Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace is also good. If the main star has four (【化祿】, 【化權】, 【化科】) that is a year of hard work.
  • 臨官
    1.A symbol of jubilation. Into all the palaces are auspicious, the same as 【冠帶】.
  • 大耗
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing poorer, fleeting encounter to be careful of real estate and money loss. Not suitable to enter the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, their own personality not pleasing, have talent but appreciate less people, property also not easy to hold;
    2.Five elements belong to fire, fleeting encounter representatives to be careful to break big money. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, especially the birth of the year 【大耗】 and the time encountered 【大耗】 overlap in Caibo Palace or Tian Zhai Palace, beware of thieves, or be inverted, the loss of greater.
  • 小耗
    1.The five elements belong to fire, is the Earth consumes the star, the representative does not gather the gathering, is disperses consumes the constellation. Not suitable in the Life Palace, the Body Palace, the Caibo Palace, he is not poorer, but because itself does not work carefully, careless so originally can earn the money to earn, the enterprise cannot achieve.
    2.The five elements belong to the fire, fleeting encounter said there will be lost items, poorer, spending more than expected situation. Not suitable in the Palace of life and Body Palace, also unwell contract palace has 【空亡】.
  • 咸池
    1.On behalf of the peach Blossom. A preference for carnal, fleeting encounter indicated there is peach blossom, but not necessarily a good peach blossom.
  • 病符
    1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
    2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
  • 息神
    1.On behalf of depression, fleeting encounter should strengthen their willpower, don't get depressed. In the life, the Body Palace, all symbolize lifeless, will be depressed, work listless, lack of pioneering power. Flow month, day to 【息神】 Palace, will be easy to dispel the idea, no spirit, often yawn, doze.
  • 天德
    1.Representative of the noble, fleeting encounter can be applying, so also known as the Pressure Evil star, representing friends, high social status.
  • 攀鞍
    1.representative of Fame, Yi Wu Yiwen, fleeting encounter representatives can get the help of the noble, can have a reputation and status. In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Peter Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, Wu Yu upper floors, with Wen (【天相】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】) The same palace, in favor of examinations, Can also have a reputation. He is also a fleeting small ke xing, can lift and alleviate disaster.
  • 晦氣
    1.The representative encounters 【晦氣】 The thing, stagnates. The fleeting time encounters the expression is not smooth, turvy, the gas Yun is weakened, especially not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the mood is bad more easy to have the dispute.
  • 劫煞
    1.Represents banditry. Unfit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, on behalf of the year the work is not smooth; if in the fleeting four evil spirit (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】), beware of lost property, theft. Fleeting to pay attention to work on the unsatisfactory, money loss, met thieves.
Can understand and parent's affection thickness, whether obtains the favor of the parents, is affected how, and the Father Mother's situation, all may by the parents Palace, with the Life Palace, the Ford and so on the palace to understand. Also can deduce to the elder and the boss and so on has the power and directly affects own person
  • 父母親 Looks
    Reference 75%
    1.【破軍】 is one of the Killing Wolves (【七殺】, 【破軍】, 【貪狼】), and they are all stars of the changing character. 【七殺】 is the manager, 【破軍】 is the LORD, has the momentum, can open up the soil.
    2.The stature is not high, the back thick eyebrow is broad, the temperament firmness, does not like to echo others, self-willed arrogant, is suspicious, likes the speculative risk, does not pay attention to the appearance, likes the new thing, does not have the status quo, always wants to change the reform, but also is susceptible to the environmental influence
    3.Words have the ability to incite people, dare to scold, others will be affected by your words.
    4.Men do not pay attention to appearance, women are much bigger eyes of beauty, but a little vain, waste.
  • 父母親 Looks
    Reference 15%
    1.【武曲】 Most of the people who were sitting were pale, the forehead broad eyebrows thick, the hair is hard, the sound is full of QI. Cong 【武曲】, tall, the rest of the time 【武曲】, the body is medium. The face gives the person not to be angry then Wei's feeling, does not laugh can make a person feel fierce.
    2.【武曲】 The character is resolute, the honesty pays attention to the credit, the heavy loyalty. The upright personality is also straight, the matter is not satisfied with the direct reaction. It is more difficult to accept objections than to be treated unfairly, but not often to lose your temper. It is not easy to accept the leadership of others.
    3.Men's lives in the Palace 【武曲】 on behalf of my executive force, have perseverance, have courage, like to create, personality brave and cheerful, talk about loyalty.
    4.Women's Life Palace has 【武曲】 personality firmness conservative, easy to accept, the behavior is more labor, sometimes there will be a sense of loneliness. There are twists and turns in marriage. It is suggested that after marrying marriage, it also has its own career.
    5.【武曲】 The star is powerless, because he is a 【寡宿】 star (it is not easy to believe that people are less adept at getting along with others), so usually lonely helpless. Since only to help their own fight, of course, to strive for it, the struggle to master power, but after the struggle with people more difficult to get along with. This kind of does not concede the character, also lets 【武曲】 The person who sits in life learns to specialize, and 【太陽】 is the opposite.
    6.【武曲】 There is executive force, but not good at planning, but in order to strive for their own things, can come up with novel tricks, although not a complete plan, but by the novel tricks and executive ability, do to have their own set. In general, there is courage to carry out.
    7.The kind reaction in appearance also gives the person after the honest feeling, the speech has the sense of humor itself also has the compassion, sometimes a little good officious, occasionally will promise oneself does not have the thing, will say the scene words, attaches importance to the interpersonal relationship harmony, sometimes promised the thing not to complete, But to others to do it. Full of current government officials act.
    8.The appearance is polite, talk with person is most apt, give a person white impression, personality gentle like to help person, also like to adjust dispute.
    9.Women like to dress themselves, a little greedy, only eat their favorite food, to people have a smile, so give people a good impression.
    10.【天相】 The star is to own efforts to achieve. If the fate of the palace is 【天相】 and 【武曲】, the life of a smooth living material is good, promised that before the matter will be considered for a long time, promised to go all out, have a sense of responsibility and justice, but encounter pressure will want to
    11.The appearance is good. Men are capable, women have ambitions.
    12.It is not easy to be close to people, sometimes to pay attention to money, so they will not use wealth.
    13.Personality is kind, steady.
  • 父母親 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.The facial expression usually gives the impression of a person, the masculine appearance character is handsome, the feminine appearance is gorgeous. The figure is medium, idealistic or perfectionist.
    2.Informal, life colorful, like to eat and drink, love the night life. Can say good way, do things lively, not afraid of hard, like to earn money also enjoy spending money.
    3.Good body, but also to control people. The talent of singing and dancing is good. Entertainers like fortune-telling, 【貪狼】 are clearly in this respect.
    4.Give people the feeling of not special feeling, but rather because they want to have too much, can not be satisfied in the same person. To pay attention to appearances.
    5.【貪狼】 【化忌】 A good bet is that there is no self-control in the opposite sex, and the pursuit of impatience cannot succeed. 【化忌】 will also be more utopian unrealistic.
    6.【貪狼】 【化祿】 smarter and more financially, but too speculative.
  • 父母親 Looks
    Reference 5%
    1.The face of most square-long, tall and strong body, give the feeling of fortitude, temperament is more urgent, will compete with people. Like to rely on their own, do not like to be bound by others.
    2.Dare to rush, dare to risk, dare to face the crisis, the difficulties have the courage to overcome one by one, but after the difficult solution, there is no interest to continue to maintain.
    3.The emotions will be out of the way, temper anger, rational and independent, say, will do, do not hesitate to do things.
    4.【右弼】 Beautiful elegant, personality upright gentle, will forgive people, appearance suave, writing good, have dark mole, spot scar.
    5.Will not make trouble, can be honest deal with, optimistic disposition.
  • 破軍
    1.Pay attention to the miscellaneous details of the document. Parents from childhood care, but also strong.
    2.Parents are smart, will talk with their children part of things, each other will be tolerant of each other, sometimes unavoidable disputes.
    3.The relationship between parents is more disputed, and it is easy to quarrel because of different opinions.
    4.From small to feel warm family life.
    5.Fit to leave home to fight.
  • 武曲
    1.Parents are smart and studious.
    2.Parents will love children, the precept is the same.
    3.Parents are polite.
    4.Parents are stable, cautious, strict with their children, even if they know that their children have trouble but do not know how to persuade, but they usually do not have too much unhappiness or change.
  • 天相
    1.Parents dote on their children, and their parents themselves are reasonable.
    2.Parents will teach you how to do things, and parents often coordinate other people's disputes.
  • 祿存
    1.Good relationship with parents, family environment is preferred, there is a tendency to rely on parents.
  • 貪狼
    1.And parents of the feelings are relatively weak, suitable for young when left home to fight.
  • 七殺
    1.One of the parents or parents is irritable, stubborn, and easy to be antagonistic between parent and child.
    2.It's better to go out and fight when you're young.
  • 右弼
    1.Elders and you get along well, elders also have more, 【右弼】 sitting alone parents Palace, said parents longevity.
    2.【右弼】 is the Volt bit, the five elements belong to the yin Wood, 【右弼】 is nine violet. There is no special auspicious or bad luck, can be for the Kyrgyz side can also do the fierce side.
  • 天貴
    1.Be happy with your parents, and your parents will help others with the attitude of helping them.
  • 龍池
  • 三台
  • 天馬
  • 解神
    1.The main function is to turn the culprit into the auspicious, to eliminate the disaster. Lies in the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease palace, the Virtuous Palace has relieved, reduces the role of the fierce star, other palace places useless place.
    2.【解神】 to the fleeting stars of the former star and the old star, the solution is very strong, almost 100%. But if it is to encounter a large fierce star, the Evil Star (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】) 【化忌】, can only be mitigated.
  • 天巫
  • 陰煞
  • 命馬
    1.Parents are open-minded and lively.
    2.There is not much time to get in touch with your parents.
  • 天哭
    1.I could not get along with my parents.
  • 恩光
    1.Be happy with your parents, and your parents will help others with the attitude of helping them.
  • 地劫
    1.Childhood living environment is not ideal, and parents fate weak.
  • 八座
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 截路
  • 長生
    1.Represents the birth of life, that is, the vitality of strong. In the 12 Palace no matter which Palace are good, afraid of the same palace 【空亡】; most suitable for entering the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace. In the Life Palace, the Body Palace, represents the vitality strong, can longevity. In the Caibo Palace, represents the money to be able to live forever .
  • 飛廉
    1.The five elements belong to fire, on behalf of the widows and orphans, the fleeting encounter is much, the villain more, the tongue more, in short, there are many obstacles. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Fu Tak Palace, are playing a more heavy heart, but not too gregarious, easy poorer and have other bad things, also not suitable in Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Migration Palace, in the disease palace is good.
  • 天使
  • 旬空
  • 15%
    1.It's like being sick, always feeling down and depressed. Not fit to enter the Palace of life, Body Palace, illness Palace and juvenile Yun, work feebly, sick, like fantasy, but difficult to achieve, do not have perseverance. If with the Stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) the same palace, Can alleviate this phenomenon. Also not suitable in the official Lu Palace and Caibo Palace.
  • 博士
    1.The five elements belong to the water, representing intelligent high, intelligent, tolerant of people, their own ideas are also the group of opinion leaders, has the desire to lead others, oneself also has the popularity, if with 【祿存】 The palace, the status will be higher, more powerful, in 12 palace which palace is good, especially the life Palace and the body Palace. 12 The evil spirit is after all a Class C star, So the main representative is not very meaningful, fleeting time more influential.
  • 天殤
  • 5%
    1.On behalf of Shen Dian, review. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, personality will be more asbestosis, sluggish. Suitable for entering Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, because when the matter is finished, Shen Dian and review, it is a new beginning. In the Palace of Fu de is also good, can Ann enjoy.
  • 青龍
    1.Five elements belong to the water, on behalf of the happy event and into the wealth, promotion pay. Suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, suitable in the police sector, business development, can be high-spirited, oneself also know how to see things response, personality cheerful.
  • 帝旺
    1.The symbol goes to the peak and the best. In the palace is auspicious, the most suitable in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Fu Tak Palace. In the Life Palace represents the independence of the people, not by the power background, there are pride, not afraid of difficult, Buwei. The female has the Chi festival, has the masculine spirit. But be careful to go to the peak after the beginning of the downhill.
  • 伏兵
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, the representative of the tongue is right and wrong, fleeting encounter to pay attention to the hidden crisis this year will erupt next year. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, Migration Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fu Tak Palace.
  • 官符
    1.The five elements are fire and represent the criminal lawsuit, official not. Fleeting encounter to pay attention to the battle of the tongue, not suitable in the Life Palace, the body Palace, if evil bogey (【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地空】, 【地劫】, 【化忌】) reunion, more trouble.
  • 指背
    1.On behalf of slander, fleeting encounter in the back of people criticized and maligned.
  • 弔客
    1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the mourning. The birth year 【弔客】 and the time 【喪門】 or 【弔客】 reunion, all symbolize the year of mourning, especially in the Life Palace, Body Palace, Tian Zhai Palace and specified palace.
  • 歲驛
    1.Representative move, Wugui, suitable for Wu Yu (uniformed, business) unsuitable for civilian (office). In the Palace of life, Body Palace, official Lu Palace, with Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) in the same palace, suitable for the military police; in the relocation palace, the representative needs to travel for a living. is fleeting too 【歲驛】 horse, the representative busy, travels, Move, travel for a long time or travel often.
  • 白虎
    1.The five elements belong to gold, fleeting encounter to be careful blood light, fierce disaster. 【白虎】 Encounter 【廉貞】, but also beware of lawsuits.
  • 將星
    1.To be able to turn the murderer into the Palace of life, the body Palace, the Representative has Wugui; and Wu Shin (【武曲】, 【破軍】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】) with the official Lu Palace, especially for the military police; in the Caibo Palace, the representative has the opportunity to make a fortune. For the most powerful palace, can applying, 【將星】 is the Power star, representing the ability to command leadership, can also let the masses listen to, their own drive. 【將星】 For the Ding-class star, in the life of a small impact, fleeting, flow month has his influence.
  • 歲建
    1.A fire, a symbol of success or failure, this year's success, encounter Gizangi, every fierce plus fierce, he also represents disaster and change, encounter is easy to have trouble, there are stars (【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】) can be resisted.
  • 華蓋
    1.Has the dignity, the individuality proud. In the fleeting time for small 【文昌】, 【華蓋】 in the former star, the force is large. In the fleeting 【華蓋】 into the palace, there is the ability to defuse the disaster, so the personal willpower is high, do not need to borrow external forces can be overcome. 【華蓋】 Also symbolizes loneliness, preference for mathematics, literature, philosophy and so on.
  • 太歲

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